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It turns out there isn't enough thinking in the world to settle the amount of anger coursing through me. The only thing that will smolder that well of fire is a good old fashioned argument. Which is why I find myself standing at the door to my room at one in the morning. Staring up at Ethan who looks down upon me with guilt-ridden eyes before pushing the door open wider and walking away to let me decide whether I'm going to enter or not.

After deciding to enter I follow him into our kitchen where he nurses a glass of what I presume to be blood. Unable to look at me.

"Do not lock me away like a princess in a tower." I try to plead with him again.

"Then how would you suggest I keep you safe?" He asks.

"I don't know. But locking me away isn't the answer."

"Then give me a better one. Better yet, show me you can protect yourself and there will be no need to take such precautions."

Ethan has a point, and I know why he's doing this, but it doesn't make this any easier for me to accept. I don't like feeling helpless.

I don't like everyone feeling like they need to save me.

But more importantly, I don't like the fact that I am unable to save myself. That I'm just human again.

"I don't have a better suggestion." I admit.

"Then allow me to protect you, Ali," he sighs. "It is my duty as your husband. Not your punishment. Any man would do the same for his wife a million times over."

"I don't need protecting... I just need to figure out what happened and fix it."

"You are as stubborn as you are beautiful," his blue glaciers burrow into mine. "It's part of the reason I fell in love with you. And part of the reason I feel the need to protect you... even from yourself."

Ethan rests his forehead against mine and the smokey sweet smell of him washes over me. Calming every anxious cell in my body.

"It is also why until we can figure this out, you should train with Tristan and your grandfather." He encourages me.

"Do you think that will bring my powers back?" I ask.

"I think it's worth a try."

Nodding, I suck in a breath. And with an apology in his eyes, Ethan gently brushes his lips across mine. It's been forever since we've been this close, which is mostly my fault. I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss it.

"I love you. But I am still angry with you."

"I know. Will you at least allow me to make up for it?"

Unable to help it, a smile forms across my face and he smiles back at me.

Taking me by the hand, he guides me over to the sofa where he starts a fire in the fireplace with a thought and takes my shoes off to massage my feet.

Mourning my lost abilities, I consider asking him to turn me. I don't want to be this weak, frail thing he must lock away to protect. I want to be a powerful being like him and the rest of our friends.

But I don't have the courage to ask him.

To ask him to do that would be to admit that I am vulnerable for the first time in a long time.

And I hate this feeling.

There's a knock at our door that steals Ethan away from me before I could gather up the courage anyway. And when he returns, he's not alone. Eden is with him, and they both look worried.

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