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I don't know who came up with the idea, but before I can even blink, Ethan, Eden, the Syndicate, and I are on Ethan's private jet heading to London to Speak to his parents.

Specifically, his father.

If we're going to find a way to beat Satan at his own game, we'll need Eli's help.

I get that.

What I don't get is why I have to travel across the country to do it. Especially when I'm supposed to be waiting for a phone to be delivered to me in order to save my dad.

But Ethan refuses to let me out of his sight for even a second.

So does my grandpa and the Syth.

They trail us in my grandfather's private jet, and touch down at the same time we do. Meeting us outside our hangar where cars are waiting for us. But rather than ride with Ethan, my grandfather insists I ride with him so we can work on channeling my power. Only, all we manage to channel during the long trip to Ethan's family compound... is my frustration.

"It's gone." I heave a frustrated sigh.

"It can't be gone," my grandfather refuses to accept reality. "Your power never hinged on Kira being inside you. It has always been an innate force within you that is yours by birthright Alison."

"Then where is it?" I bug my eyes out at him. "Huh? Because the only thing I'm feeling right now is useless and frustrated."

"I wish I knew the answer to that question, but there has to a plausible explanation."

"Well, when you figure out what that is, please enlighten me."

Sulking, I fold my arms over my chest and stare out the window at the passing scenery. Silently cursing Kira and Satan for whatever hand they had in turning me into a walking liability everyone now feels like they need to lock away to protect.

I've always hated feeling like the weakest link in our little dysfunctional friend group, and now I'm back to square one.

"He's right, you know," Tristan tells me. Shifting my gaze to his, I realize he's been watching me loathe myself this entire time. "She didn't give you your power and she can't take it away. It's still in you."

That's easy for him to say.

His power is still radiating from his pores while mine is playing a very impressive game of hide and seek.

We finally pull up in front of Ethan's family compound and the hairs on my arms stand on end. Something feels off about this place and every ounce of sense I have in me is telling me to get back on a plane and head back to GA.

But every other supernatural creature in this car isn't getting the same creepy memo I'm getting, and they file out of the car like there is nothing wrong. It isn't until the staff in the home comes out to greet us that Ethan narrows his eyes.

Sensing the same thing I'm sensing.

His gaze quickly goes to Aiden, and in a heartbeat I am surrounded by the Syndicate.

"Welcome home, your highness." His staff bows to him. "Your parents are eagerly awaiting your arrival."

Their eyes shift to me standing behind him, and my get the hell out of here meter ratchets up to level one million.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Entwining his fingers with mine, Ethan eyes his staff carefully as we walk past them and head into his family's home.

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