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I was fully prepared to help Lexie disappear if the supernatural council meeting didn't go in our favor. But it did. Only, I didn't count on Lexie turning Trudy. I didn't want Lex to kill her, but now that Trudy has been turned, we have another problem.

She's been banished by the witch council and her family.

They have a strict no Vamp policy.

Now that she's been turned into a fanger, she must answer to Vampyr council. Following the rules and the policies they've put in place to govern their own.

With nowhere else to turn, Trudy has no place to go except to the one that created her.


And she must now learn how to operate as a hybrid.

Throwing herself at Lexie's feet, Trudy begs her for forgiveness. Without Lexie, her sire, Trudy will be forced to scour the earth alone. Never having a sense of belonging ever again. It's like a Lycan being rejected by their mate. Or similar to a parent and a child. Although Trudy is much older than Lexie.

My how the tables have turned.

It's not that simple, though. Lexie lives with Ethan and his parents. If they took Trudy in, they would be responsible for her. Which means her enemies would become theirs. And currently, the list of people who'd like to get their hands on Trudy is a mile long.

Myself included.

"What should I do?" Lexie comes to me for advice.

"It's your decision to make, Lex. I can't help you with this one. But whatever you decide, I'll support you one hundred percent." I smile comfortingly at her.

"Is it wrong to still want her dead?"

"Not at all."

"Then why can't I do it?" She sulks. "I can kill myself and turn me into this. But I can't bring myself to sentence her to the same kind of hell she sentenced Kyle to."

The hope I'd been holding onto that my baby sister Lexie was still there, blooms inside my chest. Because this is the Lexie I know. The sweet girl with a heart of gold.

"You'll also have the support of my entire family." Ethan assures her.

She nods. Bloody tears glistening in her eyes, moments later, upon hearing our support for her. They fall down her face, staining her shirt with blood before she wipes them away. Aden is at her side in an instant. Holding her in his arms while she makes her decision.

Turning toward Trudy, Lexie tells her, "You will be in servitude to me for the rest of your life. And you will spend that time righting the wrongs you've made."

Unable to refute a direct command, Trudy nods and kneels down in front of Lexie. Which is ironic, seeing how she spent so much of her time an energy trying to destroy my family. Only to end up Lexie's bitch in the end.

"How are the lessons with your grandfather going?" Eden asks me. Snuggling herself in Lucas' arms.

"Exhausting." I sigh. "So far, all I've learned is how to expel all my energy, until there's nothing left in me, and I'm as defenseless as a newborn baby."

"How else are you supposed to build up your siphoner endurance?" Tristan quirks a brow at me. "We've all gone through similar training, Ali. You'll be stronger for it in the long run."

"Don't you have some angel tits to suck?" Lucas narrows his eyes at Tristan.

Ever since Tristan betrayed my trust, kidnapping Lucas and handing him over to Lexie to torture, Lucas and friends have branded him the enemy. Unable to tolerate his presence in my life any more than Ethan can. But the Syth was sent here to protect me. Which means Tristan was sent here to protect me as well. And often times he must protect me from myself.

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