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Ethan immediately places himself in front of me, with the Syth and Syndicate protectively surrounding us, Kaia bringing up my right, and Eden standing to my left. Her eyes locked on Lucas with no fear in her eyes as he approaches us.

There's an entire army of angels waiting outside for Kaia to give them the signal to help. But several demons pounce on her before she even gets a chance to.

The temperature in the room kicks up a notch with every demon that manifests. Giving hell a run for its money. And the smell of sulfur rents the air like a putrid fart as Lucas' demons wage their assault against us.

For the most part we stick together. With everyone surrounding me fighting off demons before they can even get to me. But demons are smart, and they slowly separate us from each other. Closing in the gaps before we have a chance to realize what is happening.

And that's when it happens.

A demon wraps it's scrawny fingers around my wrist, tugging me away from my friends and burning me with its scalding hot touch. I scream out in pain wondering why it hurts this much when it never used to, and suddenly I feel fear for the first time since learning about my siphoner abilities.

A fear felt through the bond Ethan, and I share. Causing him to whip his head around in my direction. His eyes immediately going to my burned arms and the demon holding me in its grasp.

I imagine evaporating the demon holding me down, but unlike before, my thoughts don't manifest into action.

Nothing happens.

And my worst fears are confirmed.

Sensing my distress, Ethan flings everyone blocking his path to me aside. Everything that isn't nailed to the floor rises into the air and levitates as he passes. All while he winks demons out of existence with a single thought as he desperately tries to reach me.

Because my siphoner isn't siphoning.

And the third degree burns on my arms have me on the verge of passing out.

Tristan frees Kaia from a barrage of demons long enough for her to signal for reinforcements and even the playing field. Soon, ash and embers rain down all around us while we fight like hell.

Well... everyone except Eden and Lucas who meet in the center of all the chaos as if the fighting going on around them doesn't exist.

He smiles at her, and she smiles back. Allowing him to take her in his arms and press his lips to hers. I'm mid shout when Eden surprises me by quickly jamming the relic I could've sworn was still in my pocket into Lucas' chest.

It grows teeth that digs into his skin, anchoring to his chest, and the demons in the room flicker as his power fights for purchase but finds none.

When did Eden even get her hands on the relic?

Every demon in the vicinity evaporates into ash that rains down around us, and a look of betrayal settles on Lucas' face.

"I'm sorry." Eden chokes out. "I'm so sorry."

Lucas' glare softens but his anger can still be felt throughout the room. I have questions for him, but before I can even begin to interrogate him, I need to tend to my wounds.

Which... I never thought I'd ever be in this much pain.

Only, here I am, covered in third degree burns and in more pain than I've ever felt in my life.

"What happened?" Celeste pushes everyone aside. "Who did this? How did this happen?"

"That's what I would like to know." Ethan's baby blues pierce mine.

I guess the cat is out of the bag.

Ignoring the chaos going on around us, he closes the distance between us. Studying me from head to toe with his eyes like he's searching for something.

"What aren't you telling us?" He asks. His eyes burrowing into mine like he's trying to see my thoughts. Then his eyes lower to the burns on my arms before rocketing up to mine. "Why aren't you healing?"

Taking a deep breath, I gather the courage to tell him what I've been dreading since I found out, "My siphoner abilities are... gone."

The room falls so silent you can hear a pin drop from a mile away. With the pitying glances of my friends falling on me. Even Lucas looks sympathetic, and we're kidnapping him. But Ethan... he looks furious.

I avert my eyes away from his gaze because the guilt in them has me singing like a canary. And I brace for the earful I know will be coming from him.

"How long have you known?" He asks me. Avoiding my gaze because he fears I'll lie to his face. "Was it before or after you willingly walked into danger?"

"I suspected... I just wasn't sure until now." I shrug, swallowing hard.

Cue the disappointment.

"For fuck sake, Ali." Ethan drags a stressed hand through his hair. "I will deal with you later. For now, let's get Lucas back to GA."

He nods to the Syndicate who help Kaia and Eden escort Lucas out of the building and into a waiting car. Then we hightail it back to GA where Lucas is secured in a detention chamber for GA's supernatural students.

Kaia and her band of relic toting Angels are put in charge of interrogating Lucas under Eden's watchful eye, and I'm dragged up to the room Ethan and I now share to get chewed out by my better half.

"What were you thinking?" He paces back and forth. Wearing a hole in the floor. "You can't just walk into a battle unarmed like that, Alison. You're too value. To me... to your people... to your family..."

"You're right," I nod. "I just thought-"

"Thought what? That you'd tempt fate at the risk of losing your life?"

"No," I sulk. "I thought maybe if I was in danger it would like... I don't know... kick in or something."

I chance a glance up at Ethan and quickly regret it. Because where I was hoping to find understanding, I find heartache and frustration."

"Do you have any idea what losing you would do to me?" He asks.

"I'm sorry."

"I'd level the entire bloody fucking planet with a single thought... that's the sort of hell you'd be raining down upon the world, Ali. We cannot afford to be careless. So, moving forward, I think it's best that you-"

"Do not lock me in some tower like a helpless princess," I plead with him. "I'll resent you for it."

Ethan swallows hard, holding my gaze. I know that's exactly what he wants to do, but it's the wrong thing to do to me.

He sighs, and I'm praying he hears me when he seals my fate.

"At least you'd still be alive to resent me." He replies.

Turning to face me, he takes a deep breath. His eyes locked on mine. And that's when I feel him invade my mind. Robbing me of my reason and my free will. "You will not leave the grounds of GA without my permission, or my company." He compels me.

"I will not leave the grounds of GA without your permission, or your company" I mindlessly mimic his words. Powerlessly... and nod.

Resting his forehead against mine, he ends his compulsion of me, and I can't help but feel betrayed.

I do not like being controlled.

He knows this.

"I am sorry." He apologizes to me.

"So am I," I back out of his grasp and leave.

I may not be able to leave GA, but there are plenty of places here for me to go where he can't find me.

I need a moment to think.

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