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Zayd takes several smart steps away from Ethan, dragging me with him with the arm he has left, as the other arm rejuvenates itself.

"You're going to pay for that." He glowers at Ethan.

"Drop the barrier and let's get on with it then." Ethan challenges him.

"Tsk-tsk-tsk... not until I'm ready and not a moment sooner." Zayd wags a finger at him.


"I hate to break it to you, dragon breath. But it doesn't matter what you've got cooked up in that small mind of yours. I've been alive for thousands of years. And if this is the best you can do, you're already dead... you just don't know it yet."

"And I'm absolutely quaking in my boots." Zayd feigns fear before his face turns serious and his hand is back around my throat.

A guttural growl comes from Ethan's cell, followed by another earthquake that shatters a piece of the arch that gives Ethan a small opening he can slip his finger through. Which he demonstrates for Zayd.

"Almost there... touch her again and no amount of regeneration will be able to help you put the pieces back together." Ethan threatens him.

Whipping his head to one of the guards, Zayd tells him, "Witches... now."

I am dragged out of the dungeons just as Trudy and Vivienne are being dragged in and we briefly make eyes contact enough for them to know I plan on killing them both. Then I am taken back to the cell I share with Lexie and Eden and thrown inside.

Zayd slams the door behind me and storms off toward the exit clutching his still rejuvenating arm.

"What the hell happened to him?" Eden asks. "Did you do that?"

"No." I shake my head and smile. "That was Ethan."

Eden's face goes blank, and she stares at me for several moments before bursting into a series of laugh-snorts that have Lexie and me joining in on the giggle session.

Like we're currently not locked in a cell or facing certain death.

"Well, if nothing else my brother is very proficient with his threats." Eden shrugs like she'd expect nothing less.

"He wants me to absorb the magic suffocating everyone's power. Trapping them here." I confide.

"Can you do it?" Lexie asks.

"I don't know. But we're going to find out."

Walking over to the wall of our cell, I gently run my fingertips over the jagged stone. Allowing the push and pull of power to be exchanged between mine and the magic infused within. Between my will and the will of the strength of whatever magic was used to fortify these walls.

And the magic is strong.

Stronger than any magic I've ever encountered.

"Admiring my handiwork?" Lucifer's voice grates on my nerves like nails on a chalkboard.

Turning to face him, I'm not at all surprised he is the driving force behind such strong magic. But I now understand the complexity of the situation.

"Tell me... what do you get out of all this?" I ask. Hoping to put more of the puzzle pieces together.

"Wouldn't you like to know."

I would, actually.

"So what happens now?"

"You'll see." He replies. Examining me with his scrutinizing eyes.

And I don't like the sound of this one bit.

"Will you at least tell me what you want from me?"

A sinister smile spreads across his face as he crosses the distance between us, and tells me, "That should be the easiest part to guess."

"It isn't. And I'm growing tired of these games."

"Very well then." He leans in even closer and whispers, "I want your soul... siphoner."

It's pretty much what I thought he'd say, but I still get the impression there's some other reason. One I'd be willing to bet not even the Asher's are aware of. Because this is freaking Lucifer we're talking about. And he never does anything without benefiting from it.

Which is why I lean back into him, and whisper, "Come get it, then."

Lucifer belts out a hearty laugh. Circling me like prey before coming to a stop in front of me. "In due time Alison... in due time. Until then, I shall enjoy the festivities."

Whatever that means...

Only, it turns out I don't have to wait long to figure out what he means, because in walks the Asher's with Tristan in tow. Ready to siphon my power to make me susceptible to Zola's influence.

Feigning fear of the spoiled brat and my protector turned defector, I retreat until my back is pressed firmly up against the jagged stone walls of the cell. Until there's nowhere left to go.

Or pretend to run.

Zola approaches with a smug smile on her face and confidence I can't wait to deflate. But until I can find a way to free my people, I must play my part. So when Tristan moves to siphon my power, I give him a kernel of it. Grateful that like most of my kind, he's gravely underestimated me. So much so, that he doesn't even question the amount of power I give him.

"How does it feel to be a traitor to your own kind?" I ask him. Holding his gaze even when his falters.

"They have Kaia." He replies.


"If I knew where, I'd be in a cell beside you."

"And Celeste? Can I trust any of you?" I ask.

"Not as long as they have the upper hand." He shakes his head.

Nodding, I hold my head up high and shrug my shoulders back as Zola steps forward to do her worst. And because she believes herself to be so powerful, she never questions whether I am truly under her influence. She merely commands me to do her wishes and expects it to be so.

So I play the puppet.

Following behind Zola until we come upon a room with a stone altar in the middle. I'm made to lay on this alter with chains attached to leather straps, and the whole time I'm asking myself how far I'm willing to take this.

If I can allow myself to be tortured for the sake of saving my friends. And the answer is a resounding 'hell yeah'. So, I allow them to strap me to this alter and wait to see what they will do next. That's when Zayd's mother, Zuri, emerges and stands beside me at the altar. She slowly pulls the longest blade I've ever seen out of her robe and I'm afraid she plans to impale me with it. But she pricks each side of my neck instead. Nicking the arteries on both sides to watch me bleed out. Only, a curious thing happens when my blood touches the table.

It comes to life beneath me, vibrating with power that feeds me as much as it feeds off of me. Invigorating me as much as it depletes me until I lose consciousness.

And everything goes black.

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