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"You mean other than how obnoxiously loud your voice is right now?" Eden groans from somewhere in the shadows of the cell. Right before she stumbles out into the open looking like the roadkill she likes to feed on.

"Jesus Christ," I let out a shocked gasp. "You look like-"

She's in front of me in an instant. Her blood red eyes staring me down like she's a hair away from losing it.

"Tell me I look like shit, and I swear to Christ I will drain you dry."

Um... okay.

Someone's a bit cranky.

"Grumpy much?" I quirk an amused brow at her.

"I haven't been able to shower... or comb my hair... or brush my teeth in God knows how long," Eden scoffs. "If I don't get my hands on some soap and water sometime soon... my smell alone will kill us all before they do."

Which... yeah... she definitely smells like she's already dead.

Although technically...

"I'll see what I can do."

Eden narrows her eyes at me. Studying me closely. "You still have your power... don't you?"

Nodding, I place my index finger to my lips. "They don't know, and I'd like to keep it that way."

Rolling her eyes, Eden scoffs and throws her hands up.

"Of course, you'd be the weird ass exception to this madness."

"I can feel it tugging at my power, but whatever it is... I think I'm too strong for it to matter."

"Well, yippee-fucking-yay for you. Want a cookie?" Eden rolls her eyes again.

She's definitely on her period or something.

Speaking of... how would that even work?

That would have to be the worst, most frustrating, and exhausting time of the month...

I open my mouth to quiz them for more information when the entire room shakes. Practically throwing me into Eden's arms. Then I watch as tiny cracks form in the stone walls of our cell. Spiderwebbing all the way up to the ceiling and beyond.

"What the hell was that?" I search the area around us.

"Take a wild guess." Eden scoffs.

Frowning, I'm clueless as to what she means until it hits me.


"Where is he?" I ask. Clenching her arms tighter than I mean to.

Swatting my hands away, Eden narrows her eyes at me. "Desperate much?"


"I can smell him all over you." Lexie scrunches her nose up at me. She sniffs me a second time and gasps. "You slept with Ethan!"

Which... I'm pretty sure the next universe over now knows my business.

Eden gazes upon me with renewed interest and a disgusted look forms on her face.

"Well, I'll be damned... you and Ethan finally popped each other's cherry?" An amused grin forms on her face. Only, it's gone as quickly as it came. And she adds, "Ew... no wonder he's trying to bring this building down on all of our heads."

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