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                       **** THIS HAS NOT BEEN EDITED YET, DON'T COME FOR ME ****

In the two days after expelling Lucas' sister from my body, I expected to feel different, wrong, or less than I've felt prior to her eviction.

But I feel nothing.

I feel the same way I felt before I knew there was someone else living inside me.

Except... something is definitely off. Only, I can't tell anyone because they'll try to lock me away like some fragile doll. And I want to be there when they get Lucas. If anything, to minimize the amount of damage he'll inflict on everyone who isn't Eden or me.

"How are you feeling?" My grandfather watches me closely. Like he can sense what I can.

That something has changed.

"I'm good." I lie. Swallowing hard enough for him to hear and give me a look that says he knows I'm lying.

"Your power... it's... different." He tells me. His eyes burrowing into mine like he's looking for something.

"What do you mean?" I turn to busy my shaking hands.

"I think you know what I mean."

I do... but I'm not willing to unpack what that might mean yet.

"Did you learn anything while you were captured?" I change the subject.

My grandpa studies me skeptically for a moment before replying. "Just that Kira was placed inside you while you were in your mother's womb. Only, I don't think anyone realized it at the time." He drops that little gem on me.

"Why would someone want to put Kira into my mom?"

"That's the million dollar question, isn't it? I mean, it's well known that if you add a siphoner to any equation, it will either enhance your results or aid your efforts."

"So, you think she was used as a power supply?" I frown.

"It wouldn't be the first time a siphoner was used for the evil doings of others. In fact, it's why they've allowed us to exist for so long. Because as much as they like to say we are an abomination, we are a necessary evil."

"Siphoners aren't evil though, are we?"

My grandfather opens his mouth to speak but quickly closes it. Keeping what he was going to say to himself.

"There are some siphoners who give others a bad name." He finally says to me. And I get the distinct pressure there is more to his meaning than I can comprehend at the moment.

Ethan and Tristan enter the room before I can ask him what he means. Interrupting our candid moment.

"It's time." Ethan tells us.

"We have his location." Eden flashes me a smile that doesn't meet her eyes.

And I can only imagine how hard this is for her knowing Lucas will feel betrayed.

"I think Alison should sit this one out." My grandfather suggests.

My head whips so fast in his direction that my neck pops. Narrowing my eyes at him, I tell him, "I'm not sitting this one out."

"And she shouldn't," Eden has my back. "If she's not there, this won't work. Lucas will see her absence for what it is, and we won't get a second chance."

"This is a dangerous game you're playing, Alison. Someone could get hurt. Or worse." He warns.

But only I know what he's hinting at.

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