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I linger somewhere between life and death. With a foothold in each but not able to choose either.

Or perhaps I am in hell.

The ground below my feet is like water. And every step I take creates a ripple effect that cascades outward from me as far as the eye can see. Which isn't far, on account of all the fog narrowing down my visibility.

Everything around me is also blindingly bright. Like maybe purgatory is just a little too close to the sun. And there's not a soul, animal, or insect in sight.

Or so I thought.

"Alison Alexander?" A voice booms all around me. Like they've got a megaphone to my ear.

My inner ear vibrates, which tickles, and makes my eyes squint.

"In the flesh." I chuckle nervously. "Mind turning the pitch down on your voice just a skosh?"

"Behind you."

Whirling around, I throw my hands up to block the light, because I'm damn near blinded by the person standing before me.

"Bright much?"

"My apologies. I forgot how sensitive you humans can be," he chuckles. "Even as powerful as you siphoners are. My name is Michael."

Flatlining in three, two, one...

"As in the Archangel Michael?"

"In the flesh." He throws my words back at me.

"Is this about the me using your sword to kill Lucas thing? Because that wasn't me." I throw my hands up.

Again, he laughs.

"My sword has a mind of its own. Or haven't you figured that out by now?"

"Soooo, you're saying it was the sword that forced me to kill Lucas."

"It is meant to slay demons. Craves it even." He shrugs matter-of-factly.

"Not that that's not fascinating, but... why am I here?"

"Your are in between life and death. So, until your body finishes siphoning power from the all the blood you ingested to bring you back. This is your temporary home."

"Couldn't you have brought me to heaven or something? You know... introduced me to the big man."

Laughing, he tells me, "Your soul has yet to be claimed by either side."

"Meaning what exactly?" I frown.

"There is good in you, Alison. But there is also darkness. How you proceed in the future will determine which side claims you."

Yeah... still didn't answer my question.

"Gee, thanks." I flash him a fake smile.

"Kaia offered you safety, and that offer still stands." He tells me.

"And my family? What about them?"

"They will not be able to accompany you."

"Then I must decline once more." I shrug.

"Very well. But you must know, victory is not in your favor. Not currently." He warns me.

"How can I change that?"

"Look to th-"

Before he can finish his sentence, I am pulled down into the liquid floor, and submerged in darkness. It feels like my body is being twisted, stretched, and pulled in several different directions at once. Straining my bones, muscles, and ligaments until I'm thrown back into my painful reality.

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