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Gripping the hand Ethan has at my throat, I siphon every ounce of power from his body.

It's the only way I know how to stop him.

But that power makes my own unstable.


Like a raging bull trapped in a pen it desperately wants out of...

His power coupled with mine is too volatile to hold. Not to mention the fact that having his power means he's slowly dying like he should have centuries ago.

Ethan drops to the floor where he begins to convulse. Meanwhile, I have a hooded asshole to deal with. And I'd be willing to bet he's who I have to thank for Ethan's sudden Michael Myers impression.

But who the hell is he?

I'm about to open a can of whoop-ass on him when the three cloaked figures on his right and left literally vanish before my eyes.


Just when you think your enemies can't get more annoying than Kaia... heavens little angel.

"At last we meet again." The cloaked leader smiles at me. Revealing soft pink lips and a row of perfect, pearly white teeth.

Someone's been flossing.

"Who are you?" I frown.

His smile widens, and then he too disappears from sight.

Seriously, who's his dentist because I got next.

If I didn't know any better, I'd say they were gone. Except, everyone is still frozen. Backing up to the wall, I reroute enough of Ethan's power back to him for him to help me if he can, but not be a threat. The rest of his power, I use to give our friends a little boost to free themselves from this strangers hold. Then I brace for whatever will come.

Only, there's no bracing for what comes next.

One minute I'm standing there staring at a motionless room full of frozen peers. And the next, razor sharp teeth and nails are coming at my face. Slicing into my wrists as I throw my hands in front of my face to protect it.

Beyond the razor sharp teeth and nails, the guy in the black cloak watches me with a smile on his face. Then he removes the cloak to reveal one of the handsomest faces I've ever seen. Like I should know who he is. And I am surrounded by handsome on a daily basis.

Did I date this guy too?

Have I stolen money from him?

Who is he?

I'd be able to ask him if I wasn't battling a sextet of Edward Scissorhands from hell.

Enough of this.

Tapping into Lucas' power, I summon the fire of Hades and use it to disintegrate every last one of them where they stand. Their ashes settling on the floor at my feet.

"You're getting stronger." He says like he's proud of me. "That's good. But I'm afraid it won't be enough."

He's upon me in a heartbeat. The pride in his eyes now gone.

Instead, his beautiful face twists with anger and disgust as he grips my chin with force and my jaw snaps. Now I can't even scream because my jaw hangs at an awkward angle and I no longer have control of it to be able to form words. Only sounds. But nothing intelligible comes out.

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