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When I leave my dad in our family home, it is with a heavy heart. Because I don't know if I'll be able to get Lexie back, but I'll die trying.

The ride back to Ethan's is a quiet one. With Kyle and I both reflecting on the things that have happened and the things we must do. Namely, we must bring our friends and family home.

Once we're parked, Ethan grips me by the wrist and we wait until the others have gone inside before he turns to me. His eyes searching mine for any sign of what mood I might be in.

Which is somber.

"Talk to me." He tells me.

"I miss my family." I sulk.

He offers me a sympathetic smile and pulls me into his arms. His tall frame eclipsing my own. I'm sure I look like a child in his arms right now.

"Your wish is my command." He presses a kiss into the top of my head.


Taking me by the hand he leads me into the house, which is pitch black. It's not until I step into the foyer that I learn why. There's a pathway of candles leading us from the foyer, past the sitting room and out to the garden behind the house where our friends and Ethan's family have all gathered with smiles on their faces. Confused, I turn to ask Ethan what's going on, only to find him down on one knee and holding a black box in his hand. That's when my brain puts it all together and I gasp. Tears forming in my eyes.

"Alison Rose Alexander... my heart calls out for you, and it will not be denied. In fact, I am incredibly jealous of those who get to see you every day when I cannot. I also look at you and wonder how I got so lucky."

Joyful tears fall from my eyes.

"You're my soulmate. Anchored to my soul in every way that matters, immovably tethered to my heart, and I'd do anything just to see you smile every day for the rest of my life."

That's probably the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me.

Opening the box to reveal a massive emerald cut diamond ring, he tells me, "I want to spend forever with you. If you'll have me."

As if I need another reason to say yes.

Nodding emphatically, I collide into him. Tackling him backwards onto the ground. Which I probably should've thought that through, but our friends and family get a kick out of it at least. Bursting into laughter.

Lying on top of him, with my blonde hair shielding our faces like a curtain, I kiss him gently and passionately on the lips.

"Is this a yes?" He asks between kisses.

"A million times yes." I nod.

Wrapping his arms around my waist, like someone stepping on the tooth end of a rake, we're lifted up onto our feet and he slides the ring onto my finger to cheers from our family and friends who rain red rose petals down on us.

I just wish Lucas, Lexie, and Eden were here to witness this monumental occasion.

"Sybil and I will make the arrangements." Ethan's mom tells me. Excited. "Leave everything to us."

I nod and she immediately jumps into action. Dialing up Sybil to put a plan into motion while Eli ushers everyone out of the room to give us some privacy.

"You are full of surprises, Ethan Deatherage."

"I love you." He peers into my eyes. "And I don't want another second to pass without you being mine in every way imaginable."

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