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The hardest thing for me to do is sit back and allow other people to fight my battles for me. So, while Ethan and the others are out doing just that, I create a vision board on the wall of Ethan's bedroom. Where Zayd sits at the top with everyone we now know is working with him lined up beneath him. Then I get to work on their connections to one another and what their motive might be. Not surprising at all, that connection happens to be yours truly... but I can't help feeling like there has to be more to this.

Something I'm not seeing.

Something I'm forgetting. Which... no shocker there. There's a lot I still don't remember. So, I figure maybe I should start there.

Just like I did with Zayd, I place a picture of me at the top of another section of the wall. Then I place all my friends and Ethan below, adding little notes about each of our relationships and how they connect to one another. A task that takes hours, even though it feels like only minutes have passed before the door to Ethan's bedroom opens and he comes walking in with our friends in tow.

Each of them stops to stare at the vision boards I've created on his bedroom wall. In awe of the detailed notes placed throughout the board and how it was all connected to both Zayd and me.

"Someone's been busy." Ethan devours the information on the wall in a blink before bringing his attention back to me.

He's in good spirits, which means their plan must've been successful.

"Well, I figured since I had so much time to kill, I may as well put it to good use." I shrug.

"Did you decide where you want to go for our honeymoon?"

I knew I was forgetting something...

Shaking his head, he smiles at me. Wrapping his arms around me and kissing me on the top of my head.

"The suspense is killing me. How did it go?"

"Better than expected." He answers. "Come and we'll show you."

Ethan takes me by the hand, and I follow him throughout his massive family home. We walk out back, past his infinity pool and lush green garden, and then into his pool house. Which may as well be another home it's so massive.

We come to one part of the pool house where Ethan places his palm on the wall and a section of the wall pops out. Sliding to the right to allow us in. And when I follow him inside, I'm surprised when a girl I don't even know shouts my name. Running to the bars of the makeshift cell she's in to beg me to help her.

"Ali, please!" She shouts.

I'm about to tell her I have no idea who she is, when another sliver of my memory slides into place. With it, comes the knowledge of who she is, and why even though capturing her was easy, we are SO screwed.

With dread filling my heart, I tell them, "Take her back... now."

"What's wrong?" Ethan picks up on the terror rising inside me.

"She's Zayd's little sister. You won't just have him coming after her. You'll have the full weight of the Dragan army bearing down on us. You have to give her back."

Surprisingly, Ethan smiles and replies, "I know. And we are not giving her back."

Astonished, I blink at him. Wondering if he even heard me.

"Will you please relax. No one knows where she is or that we're the ones who took her."

My fear subsides a little, and I glance back over at Zola. Remembering how close she and I once were. In fact, she was the only one to warn me about getting involved with Zayd. A warning I didn't heed because I had an agenda I can't seem to remember.

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