Chapter 2

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Nandini's pov

"Ummm" he didnt know what to say, I knew he wouldn't I mean he didnt sign up for this baby, hell he probably didnt even want me

"Its okay, you dont need to say anything I understand its a bit much" I said and he shook his head, "no nandini its not that, I am wondering why you didnt give her to the child services I mean they could have found her a home" he asked and I guess its a valid question

"I could have but when I found her na i picked her up and she clutched my finger for the first time I didnt want to let her go and she has been with me ever since" I said remembering that moment

"Alright then, I guess I have a wife and a daughter, how old is she" he asked and I shook my head, "not sure umm I think maybe 8 months but pakka ni pata" I said and he frowned at me. He is so handsome even when he frowns

"You didnt take her to the doctor" he asked, "no, if I did they would ask questions and I didnt have any answers" I said and he nodded

"We will take her tom morning is that okay" he asked and I looked in his eyes, "you will do that for her" I asked and he nodded "of course I will, you both are my responsibility" he said and my heart skipped a beat hearing this, after papa he is the first one who has accepted me as his responsibility not that I need someone to take care of me but it felt nice

"What's her name" "I haven't thought of a name" I said and he smiled, gosh he has a beautiful smile

"You can name her if you want" I said and his eyes sparkled, "really" he asked and I nodded as his eyes dropped down to my chest not in a perverted way but to look at the baby

"Arohi  malhotra" he said with a smile on his face and honestly I wanted her name to start with an A so this was perfect

"Thats beautiful" I said and he just stared at the arohi with love, the love that I look at her with, never in my life I thought I would get married and to think I have a child and a husband is honestly calming and not unsettling for some reason.

"I dont have anything to give you but thank you manik, thank you accepting arohi and me" I said and he smiled tightening his hold on my hand

"You have given me a beautiful daughter nandini I dont think I have anything more to ask for and thank you for letting me know the truth about arohi and letting me give her a name" he said smiling

"Friends" I ask and he nodded, "forever" he said and it gave me goosebumps, "go change, mom put your clothes on the right side of the closet" he said and I nodded, I put arohi on the couch and he sat there watching her like she is a game or something making me chuckle a little

I quickly changed, I was brushing my hair when I heard manik's scream, "nandini nandini", I came out putting my hair in a low lose bun

"Han" I said, "she is making a crying face" he said and I picked her up which made her fall a sleep again, "wow" he said amused

"She only sleeps well when someone is close by, I forgot to put a pillow beside her hence the face, if you would have picked her up then she would have been fine" I said explaining, "I cant pick her up, she is so tiny I will crush her" he said making me laugh

"Stop laughing at me" he groaned irritatedly, "manik she is a baby but that doesnt mean she will get crushed", "ya ya whatever" he said walking in the closet to get changed.

I sat on the couch rocking arohi back and forth when manik came out in a black t shirt and sweatpants, he looks so handsome even in lazy clothes.

"Waha kyu Bethi ho, come sleep aren't you tired" he said and I was hesitant, "dont worry, I can sleep on the couch if you arent comfortable" he said and I shook my head "its okay I am comfortable with you" I said smiling and walking to the bed, "do you have a preferred side" I asked and he chuckled

"Nah, I sleep anywhere and everywhere" he said making me laugh as I sat on the right side with arohi in my arms. "Nandini put her down na I wanna see" he said and I am starting to realize he might be hella tall but he is a child

I put her down in the middle and he layed down on his stomach looking at her, he is so cute. I was watching him as he was watching arohi, I saw his eyes closing and I knew he was about to fall a sleep. Once I heard his breath even I picked up arohi and put a bunch of pillows beside me and placed arohi beside me and the pillow.

I wanted to let arohi sleep beside manik but I wasn't sure if he moves around a lot in his sleep and I also didnt want her to wake him up from her crying.

I was thinking how my life has changed, from losing dad, to becoming a mother and now to being married, its kind of reversed.  I am happy that manik accepted arohi like his own I just hope everything goes okay. I felt my eyes drooping as sleep took over me.

I woke up hearing arohi's screams, I opened my eyes and was about to get up and pick her up but I felt something heavy on my stomach I looked down to see manik's arm around me. He looked so handsome while sleeping, I wish I could watch him sleep but he will wake up with arohi's screams

I moved his arm making him move to the opposite side. I grabbed arohi and opened the balcony door walking out shutting the door behind me

"Aww mera bacha, why are you crying baby" I rocked her back and forth and she stopped crying, "is my baby hungry" I asked and she looked at me with her big doe eyes

"What is my baby looking at, apko pata hai apka name arohi rakha hai" I said and she giggled as I poked her nose, she is such a cutie

"Lets get you something to eat and then Mumma and arohi will shower then play time" I said and she smiled looking at me. I opened the door and saw manik still sleeping. I grab arohi's clothes from the closet where nyonika aunty put her clothes beside mine.

I give her a bath, she is such a good baby, she loves bath time. I wrap her in her little towel and took her to the couch but the couch is too small so I placed her on the bed. She was giggling holding her feet rocking back and forth

"Shh baby, you will wake up papa" I said and it felt weirdly satisfying to address him as my daughters dad, I forgot her clothes in the bathroom so I put pillows around her and went to grab her clothes.

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