Chapter 28

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Manik's pov

I walked to the gym to blow off some steam I was actually fucking done with shit, I was downstairs in the study telling my security to take precautions, trying to figure out what if anything else had happened in the car when I heard nandini's keychain which was weird because she was just upstairs with arohi

I came out and didn't see her but I was sure it was her keychain so I asked kaka who said he didnt know, I asked the security and they said she left with a small bag. I ran outside and saw her leaving, she was fucking leaving me and arohi for some scumbag to protect us like seriously.

"What the fuck manik what the actual fuck is up with you man" he screamed, "cabir dont"

"Dont what, you literally said the shittiest things to my sister and you expect me to be okay with it seriously" he said yanking my arm, "cabir she was leaving, she was walking away from arohi and I becasue of someone in her past because she is scared he will harm arohi" I said

"Well then that is justified manik, becasue you would do the same fucking thing to protect them would you not" he asked and ya he is right I would

"I would but cabir I told her I will handle it but she snuck out, if I wasn't in the study I wouldn't have known" I said running my fingers though my hair in frustration

"Hua kia hai pura bata" he said calmly and I told him everything Nandini told me, "manik something does add up, I understand she is scared but how did seeing him trigger all this" he said

"That's what I was trying to figure out, I have the driver coming in a little bit to see if soemthing happened in the car but she pulls shit like this, what do you expect me to do cabir" he caressed my back

"Manik understand she wants arohi and you to be fine, she wants to protect you too, the road she took to protect you too was wrong but we cannot blame her manik. We dont even know what else happened after uncle's death. Hell we had each other after dad passed away but imagine Nandini she didnt have anyone other that cousin of hers alone in a house think about what she went thought, what she is telling us is probably the surface" he explained

"I know cabir I know that but I can't without her, forget about me, what about arohi cabir. She cant do anything without Nandini if she walks away do you think arohi will be okay" I asked him and saw navya walking in the gym room

"Manik",  "if you came to yell dont" I interrupted her before she could finish her sentence

"Im not here to yell, rethink that sentence you just said and think about how much Nandini went through when she chose to walk away. Arohi is her life manik, if she made that decision do you think it was becasue of such a small thing. Manik think about it, im not gonna yell at you or her but I think you need to calm down before you lash out like you just did because it was messed up and if arohi saw you yelling at her mother like that it would be such a bad thing" she said and I took a deep breath realizing the shit I spoke

"I know I said awful things but if I hadn't noticed she would have left navya, yes its a hard decision but I told her I would make sure everything is fine so if she doesn't trust me what do you expect me to do" I said and she sat infant of me

"Manik its not that she doesnt trust you, it the fact that she is scared", "scared of what navya, I am right here to handle everything" I said being annoyed

"She is scared to lose you and arohi, she is scared to even think about having you two hurt becasue of her, try to understand her point of view instead of screaming at her when she is already shit scared about things are gonna go" she explained and I nodded because ya they are both right

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