Chapter 18

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Manik's pov

I woke up feeling arohi kicking my head so I moved a little and realized I fell a sleep on nandini's lap. I moved and saw arohi laughing at me, why I'm not sure and how long has she been up because nandini is knocked out

"Hi mera Bacha is my cute hungry" I kissed her face grabbing her of off Nandini's chest, she kicked her legs and grabbed nandini's dupata making me stop from lifting her up.

"Jaan let go of mumma, she is sleeping" I said kissing her cheek and she let go of her dupata. I covered her with blankets and walked to the kitchen with arohi

"You know mumma has been lying to papa", "papa" she said and I smiled nodding

"Hanji, this is not good na, she has been feeling dizzy and didn't tell me, that's not nice right", she jumped in my arms laughing

"Chalo lets get you some fruits for lunch" I said smiling and she made a face, a yuck face, " n a n papa" she said it sounded like no, "then what does arohi wanna have" I asked and she jumped on the counter holding my arm

"How about some yogurt umm frozen yogurt" I said licking my lips and she giggled. I grabbed some yogurt from the fridge the we went outside in the backyard. I sat on the swing in the shade, it was a little windy but not cold.

I tried feeding arohi and she was just not having it today, she kept throwing it out using her tongue, and giggling so I looked at her hands and they were open so she wasn't full

"Aru, have it, its your favourite strawberry" I said and she wouldn't so I stopped feeding her and she started crying

"Shh baby, im sorry" I said and put a spoonful in her mouth but she didnt eat but kept crying.

I rocked her back and forth but she wouldn't stop crying so I had to go up to our room, As soon as I entered the room with arohi nandini's eyes opened wide hearing her screams

"Im sorry jaan, she just won't stop crying I tried rocking her too" I said and as soon as Nandini grabbed arohi from my arms she stopped crying holding her dupata

"Umm whattttt the actual heckkk" I was shocked and confused at how quickly she stopped crying

"Did you feed her something" her voice seems so weak, "ya, strawberry yogurt" I said and she nodded,

"Its because she didnt have my dupata, she can't eat without it", "thank god, I thought it was becasue I did something wrong" I said and she wiped arohi's face and kissed her cheeks

"Hi baby" she kissed her cheek and I smiled looking at her, "papa" she said and I swear every time I hear it my heart swells up

"Hanji" I said and kissed her lips pulling back. I saw nandini looking at arohi, she looked exhausted

"Jaan look at me" I said and she looked at me, "dard ho raha hai kahi" I asked and she shook her head, "toh kya Hua" I asked seeing her still pale

"Kuch bui ni hua" she said and I shook my head at her,

"you know this lying business of yours isn't gonna cut it with me, I hate when people lie to me and especially you lying to me isn't something I want nandini. You wanna lie okay lets play it your way" I said being pissed off.

I know it probably isnt that big a deal but her lying about her health is the stupidest thing ever. I got off the bed going downstairs to grab nandini's iron pill from downstairs along with some juice for her.

When I came back upstairs, nandini was still in the same position as I left her and arohi was pulling on nandini's necklace and moving her hands on nandini's face. It shocks me how much arohi picks up on, I mean if nandini is sad she tries making her feel better and if she is happy arohi's face reflects that.

Seeing me arohi crawled to me as I sat beside nandini on the bed. She crawled in my lap and I picked her up, "papa" she said and I kissed her cheek nodding

I know she was trying to tell me that her mumma is sad, but I already knew that, I know she is upset at my words. I probably shouldn't have said that especially when she isnt well but lying is a pet peeve of mine that I cant suppress

"Here" I said giving her the iron pill and the pomogranate juice. Of course she didnt have it but instead made a face

"Don't make a face" I said, "I don't want it" she said making me upset, "nandini dont test my patience" she looked at me and got up moving to the bathroom

"Arohi you saw that right, you saw how mean your mumma is Haina" arohi jumped up and down in my lap laughing which I took as a yes

"Yea I know, yes I will dont worry baby, ill deal with you mumma", "papa" she said and I kissed her cheek making me laugh because she licked my cheek

I heard the bathroom door open and nandini came out walking towards arohi and I. She sat down picking up arohi, "is my baby hungry" she asked arohi

"Nandini", "I dont wanna talk to you, thanks" she said and I kind of chuckled at her kidishness

"I am the one who should be pissed and angry so quit acting and have this pill and juice dont make me chase you around" I said and she looked at me

"I dont want to and you shouldn't be angry becasue I didnt do anything wrong" she said like it wasn't a big deal

"You didnt do anything wrong really nandini really" I said and she nodded

"I dont wanna argue infant of arohi, just take the pill and stop stressing me out", "I dont wanna argue either now move" she said walking out with arohi while I followed her to the kitchen

She grabbed a banana for arohi, chopping it up in bite size pieces, she gaged every 5 seconds looking at the banana making me laugh. I stood right behind her as she fed arohi crushed banana

She held arohi but gaged in my chest turning around to me and I laughed, "give her to me" I said and nandini she literally gaged washing her hands as I fed arohi who was still holding her dupata

She had to stand there becasue aorta cant eat without nandini being there and her dupata. Nandini had her face in my arm literally gagging as she clutched the side of my shirt making me chuckled, lets just say arohi was having fun watching her mom gag with disgust even at the smell of banana

Once arohi finished eating I washed my hands along with her face and I brought arohi's face close to nadnini and she kissed her face but arohi licked her lips and nandini almost threw up becasue of the banana

"Hahaha I cant believe you are being serious" I laughed and she glared at me

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