Chapter 31

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Manik's pov

Cabir kicked the door down and I saw that mother fucker in pain and it made me happy. I walked to him and kicked him

"Hello mr malhotra aka my nandini's husband" he said and I smirked, "hello aka soon to be prisoner" I said punching him

"Fuck off manik" he screamed wiping the blood from his lips "hell no, who the fuck do you think you are huh, how fucking dare you touch nandini, how dare you" I screamed kicking him and lets just say cabir and navya were having the time of their life watching me beat the shit out of the asshole

"If you ever threaten my wife or talk about my daughter again ever I swear I will slit your throat I will without thinking twice" I said in such a calm tone and he looked beyond scared

"What the fuck" he screamed

"Take him and make sure he goes in for the rest of his life" I said to the police officer, "we need solid proof" he said and harshad smirked, "oh yes totally forgot about that, navya" I said she gave me the recording device

"Here is the recording and forth floor is where this traffiking happens" I said and the polices nods taking him in, the acp walks to the forth floor along with us and they took every girl's statements.

It was 3 in the morning when we got out of the police station after everything and they didnt even need nandini's statement because there were a dozen more girls who gave their statements.

"Manik now that this is over, nandini is the priority" cabir said and I nodded, "I know, ill handle it my way" I said

They didnt say anything further, I dropped them to the penthouse and got home, I opened the door and walked upstairs after locking it.

I got to our room and saw nandini eating pasta sitting on the floor, she was staring at her plate, had she not eaten dinner, fuck I didnt even see her eating in the evening. As soon as I closed the door nandini looked up at me, seeing that its me she relaxed a little but then ran up to me

"Manik are you okay, this, manik kaha lagi hai apko" she said and I realized she was looking at harshad's blood on my shirt

"Its not mine, harshad's he is behind bars" I said and went to the bathroom, I showered, changed and came out to see arohi sleeping and nandini was lying down beside her. I closed the lights and played down beside her, I really wanted to hold her but her actions came in my mind so I turned around towards the door and closed my eyes,

"Im sorry manik" I heard her whisper but I chose not to reply. I wasn't sure how long I was up just thinking about how I almost lost her today when sleep consumed me

Nandini's pov

He turned around facing the door and I couldn't stop my tears, I didnt know what to do, "im sorry manik" I said and I know he is up but he didnt reply

I layed still for a while, when I heard Manik's breaths even I got up and kissed arohi's head and manik's arm, I got out of bed and grabbed manik's shirt from the closet. I sat in the balcony with his shirt and arohi's toy, thinking about life.

Manik was right I should have trusted him, he sorted it out so quickly, I mean ya I dont know the details but I dont care as long as everyone is okay which it seems to be.

I just hope manik can forgive me becasue it has only been a few hours that he hasn't talked to me but I hate it, I admit I was wrong but I swear I love them both I just dont know how to show him that I did what I did becasue of fear and not becasue I didnt trust him.

I clutched his shirt and arohi's toy close to my heart and watched the sun come up, it was probably around 5 in the morning, it looked so peaceful and calm which is contradicting my life right now. I sat there for another few hours watching the sky change colours from orange to yellow to blue.

"Mumma" I heard arohi's crying voice making me run to her, as soon as her eyes found me she crawled to the end of the bed where I picked her up. "Good morning mera bacha" I said kissing her wet cheeks

I sat on the bed covering up with the blanket with arohi on my chest, "why is my baby crying", "ap kaha Thai" her sleepy voice is so cute, "baby I was right here only" I said and she calmed down as I caressed her back

She snuggled in my chest more and fell a sleep after a little bit. I caressed her hair, I didnt want to go shower leaving her so I just stayed, my eyes were so heavy yet sleep was far away. I looked at manik who was sleeping, I smiled seeing him, I want him to forgive me.

It broke me when he came home in that bloody shirt and it hurt me when he didnt even ask how I was doing, I mean he didnt have to obviously but a part of me hoped he would but he didnt. It became hard to swallow when tears rolled down my cheeks again, I swear these tears have mind of their own.

I was so lost in my thoughts, but I was brought back by arohi who was waking up, she kissed my cheek, "good molning mumma" she whispered, " morning doll", "mumma happy" she asked, "very happy, aru happy" I asked, "super happy" she said giggling. This was our morning routine, she always asks if im happy every morning its her first question

"Aru wake papa" she asked and I shook my head, "no bacha, papa had work at night so he needs to sleep, umm how about aru and mumma go outside to play catch" I asked and she nodded

I gave her a shower and took a shower while she played with her toys sitting on the beside manik, I came out and took her to the kitchen first where I grabbed her breakfast and we headed to the backyard.

I sat on the grass and arohi ran around chasing the birds, she came back to me for a bite every few minutes. We played around for a little bit and seeing its getting hot we came back inside.

Arohi looked at me as soon as we entered the room and I nodded, "yes you can" I said and she jumped on manik waking him up, "papa, papa its shoo late" she said and manik smiled making me smile, "good morning baby" he said kissing her nose, "good aftelnoon papa" she said giggling

I came back downstairs and grabbed an iron pill chugging it with some juice. I heard arohi giggling in the living room a few minutes later and I saw her chasing manik who was running around shirtless and wet hair meaning he got out of the shower.

I put paranta and coffee with im sorry on it at the table for manik and seeing me arohi ran to me, manik came and sat on the chair and satrteed having breakfast while I carried arohi to the kitchen and getting her some water.

"Is my baby tired" I asked looking at the clock to see it was 2, and she nodded, I sat at the dining table and fed her some paranta, she ate with no funny business, she was literally dozing off in mid eating, making em smile.

"Put her down for a nap" manik said and I nodded, manik kissed arohi's cheek before I carried her upstairs. "Mumma aru no sleep" she said and I smiled, "okay does arohi want to hear a story" I asked and she nodded.

I started telling her a random story walking in the room and she fell a sleep on my shoulder. Hearing her soft snores I put her in the crib putting her toy around her covering her with blanket. I kissed her head and came downstairs leaving our bedroom door open so I can hear her when she wakes up

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