Chapter 19

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Nandini's pov

He was laughing, literally laughing so hard with arohi looking at me almost throw up becasue of the banana, like its not funny man.

"I hate you" I said moving away but was pulled back by his arm

"You do not and thats a fact, now you and I both need to talk. Its 7, arohi needs to be fed again right so we feed her put her to sleep and then you and I are having a talk. Is that understood jaan" he asked and I nodded. I love when he calls me jaan, its so cute, he doesn't always call me jaan or other nicknames but when he does its so sweet

"Leave her on the floor manik" I said as we sat in the living room and arohi started moving around in Manik's arms but he shook his head, "manik its carpeted she has to crawl and move around" he frowned and put her on the floor, she crawled around and grabbed a silicon cup

She is obsessed with chewing on this one silicon cup, she does this all the time, the little time she is on the floor she will sit at this one spot in the living room and watches tv with us

Manik pulled me close sliding his arm around my waist while I rested my head on his chest, "baby what do you want for dinner" he asked and I didnt say anything

"Im talking to you nandini", "im not hungry, ap kya khaogai, ill make it" I said and I heard him groan

"Nandini what do you want for dinner", "nothing" I said and he moved his arm away and paused the tv

"Dinner, what do you want ill order it" he asked again jeez he is so stubborn

"Nothing like I said Im not hungry", "fine" he said picking up his phone

"Hi kaka, can you make chicken curry, rice, roti, panner and dal please, sure okay thank you" I heard his side of the conversation

"I said im not hungry", "I didnt ask you, shut up and watch tv" he said and I pouted getting back to the tv

We watched bigg boss for an hour or so, and it was now 8:30 so I walked to the kitchen and made her some soup, eggs and cut up grapes for her. Once I was done I came to the living room and picked dup arohi carrying her to our room with her plate.

I was sort of annoyed at manik even though he was only worried about my health, I put arohi in her eating chair and fed her some soup first surprisingly she really liked it. I was feeding her grapes when manik walked in with food in his hands

"Papa" she said looking at him and he smiled, 'ji meri jaan, is my baby having grapes" he cooed her kissing her head and she giggled giving him the grape in her hand making me smile

Once she finished eating I washed her face, changed her diaper and brought her to bed where manik had food out for us.

"Do not make any faces, shut up, eat" he said giving me a plate of food after I put arohi in he crib, we usually put her in her crib with toys while we eat, she doesnt sleep in the crib so its like her play time

Manik and I ate in silence while watching the tv, he had gotten a tv for our room too. Once I was done eating, I grabbed my pate and manik gave me his so I walked to the kitchen to wash them. I came back up and changed into pyjamas, for the first time in 3 months of our wedding I was wearing pyjamas to sleep becasue no one else was home other than manik and arohi

"Come sit" he said with arohi in his arms, her focus was on the tv while his was on me.

I sat beside him sliding in the blankets and he stopped me, "dont lie down, you need to have the iron pill" hearing this I frowned at him sliding down in the blanket.

Arohi crawled to me putting her head on my chest laying down on me yawning, I smiled seeing her yawn, I kissed her head and shifted her on my other side setting the pillows, her eyes were stuck on the tv for a bit. I started caressing her back and she slowly fell a sleep on my chest

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