Chapter 8

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Nandini's pov

I took arohi to the kitchen, I heated up some milk, made cerelac for her with some fruits. I grabbed her food and walked upstairs after everyone said goodnight to her, I am so happy everyone accepted her.

I put arohi on the bed plopping her up against two pillows and started feeding her some cerelac and fruits.

"Arohi, slow baby" I said cause she was literally swallowing the crushed fruits, "baby aram sai" I said stopping the spoon and her eyes started watering, "acha okay dont cry" I said putting the fruit in her mouth

A few minutes later manik walked in, talking in the phone. He came and sat on the bed beside arohi on the phone, he gave me a smile which I returned.

"Ya, umm move it to 11, yes okay, when will the play room be ready, no I need it done by 10:30 in the morning and it better be perfect" I could hear his side of the conversation

"Aru no, he is busy" I said as arohi moved her hands to manik's arm, who smiled and kissed her cheek still on the phone

Arohi moved her arms and literally fell sideways on manik, I picked her up sitting her on my lap "arohi" I said in a tone I dont use on her and her eyes watered which was noticed by manik

"Nandini dont use that tone on my baby, no aru Mumma isn't gussa, see she was worried" he said, "manik its fine, finish your call it must be important" I said and he glared at me

"Aru baby im sorry" I said and she looked at me with her big eyes I wiped her mouth and kissed her cheek. I rubbed my nose with hers making her giggle, hearing her giggles manik got back to his call.

I sat down with my back rested on the headboard, arohi in my lap as I give her the milk bottle, manik rested his chin on my lap and was playing with arohi's arm while she was on the other leg looking at him hitting her face. He was still on the phone but his attention was on arohi, oh I forgot to mention how much he was distracting her from drinking milk.

"Manik stop" I said and he ignore me still playing with her arms, "manik please, she won't drink her bottle, she is literally bitting on the bottle. Focus on the call" I said and he frowned moving away and laying on his stomach beside me

"Aru baby aren't you sleepy today its already 8" I said and she sucked on her bottle staring at manik. "I know papa is being very distracting but I need you to focus missy, he will play with you tom morning okay" I explained caressing her head.

She finished the milk and I put the bottle on the table, she kicked her arms up at manik making me sigh. "Yeah okay, listen ill see you in the morning, night" he said seeing arohi and put his phone down

'Come hear baby girl" he grabbed her off my lap and layed on his back with arohi sitting on his stomach, I went downstairs to wash the dishes and milk bottle. When I came back up I saw arohi laughing with manik, "mr malhotra ap apni beti ko bigad doagai" I said seeing her still up

"Haha I know but its okay" he said kissing her cheek

"Give her to me, i have to burp her and then put her to sleep its so late" I said and his face fell hearing that, he handed her to me and I burped her super quick.

I saw manik sulking like a child, "manik you know she has to sleep right" I said as I sat beside him trying to put her to sleep but he kept touching her arms and every time he did that her eyes opened wide

"But I wanna play with her" he said pouting, "I know but she really needs to sleep, and to put her to sleep I need you to close your eyes please and move your hands, she keeps widening her eyes eveytime you touch her or look at her" I said and he got up

he kissed her cheeks and then her nose, "goodnight baby" he said kissing her lips making me smile

"Go get ready for dinner and get out of these clothes they are probably uncomfortable" I said and he sighed "ya im tired" he said walking to the bathroom

"Twinkle twinkle little stars, how I wonder what you are, up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky, twinkle twinkle" I was singing and she fell a sleep right away I caressed her head and she curled into me clutching my suit in her tiny little hands

Manik came out in comfy clothes and seeing arohi sleeping his face fell making me chuckle at him "manik seriously" I said and I guess he knew what I was referring to

"I miss her" he said and I couldn't help smiling, "ill grab us food and you can lay with her does that sound better" I said and his face lit up, "yes, yes yes" he said and sat on the bed

I placed arohi on the bed and placed a pillow beside her on my side, manik layed down beside her on the other side. I really admire the two of them, he is so cute with her and I love it.

I got us food, I was going to ask bhai and bhabhi but they weren't around. So I just took our food upstairs and saw manik looking at arohi.

"She isnt gonna disappear manik" I said chuckling and he frowned "dont be rude, ill complain to arohi" he said and I laughed "You do that okay, now come eat this" I said giving him the plate and he was famished because he ate so quick

"Manik, slow down you are gonna choke" I said and he did slow down a little, we ate in silence. I washed the dishes once we were done eating and I came back up to see manik on the phone again

"I dont give a shit alia, I have told you not to call me" he yelled on the phone and I brushed my teeth and got ready for bed too. I came out and manik was still on the phone sitting on the couch

"Fucking hell alia, if I hear one more word I will lose my shit" he said and I saw arohi move a little at his scream

"Manik, arohi" I said and he looked up at me, "sorry nandini" he whispered, "its okay, ill take her outside" I said about to grab arohi, "nandini its okay, im sorry I didn't realize my tone really sorry" he said

"No manik its okay" I said and he leaned down to arohi "im sorry baby" he whispered, "manik talk in the balcony" I suggested and he nodded walking to he balcony

I set up the pillows beside me and put arohi in between me and the pillow  after changing her diaper. I layed down, I was exhausted but I didnt know what to do, would he be okay with arohi in the middle of us or should I move

I sat back up cause I was falling a sleep laying down, I put my head on the headboard waiting for him

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