Chapter 5

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Manik's pov

I finished going through the papers, it took me longer than it should have because I was thinking about nandini, she trusts me that means a lot to me. I look up and saw nandini crying, what the fuck.

"Shit, nandini why are you crying" I asked moving closer to her with arohi in my lap, "umm nothing" she said wiping her tears

"Honey, this doesnt work like that, we communicate right we talk about things, I cant read your mind nandini" I said smiling at her

"I know, sorry, I just am so lucky to have you and arohi and ma, bhai bhai everyone. I am also happy that you accepted arohi like your own, the fact that you are so possessive about her already makes my heart happy" she said and I smiled looking at her

"Nandini I love her more than anyone I have ever loved, she is our bundle of joy, thank you for giving me arohi" I said and kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes,

I dont know why I kissed her forehead, it just felt right so I did it and I dont regret it one bit. I pulled back and she smiled looking in my lap

"She fell a sleep" she said and I looked down to see arohi sucking on her thumb, nandini picks her up from my lap and we got down to the car. Nandini held arohi and covered her face with her dupata  so the sun doesnt wake her up making me smile, she is such a good mother

"Ill get my windows tinted tom" I said and she looked at me, "manik you dont need to its okay" she said smiling

"It'll be done by tom nandini", "manik its not need, please its a lot of money" she said and I laughed at it.

"Nandini baby do you even know what I do or make every hour" I asked and she blushed, that's when I realized I called her baby subconsciously

"You married a billionaire, so worrying about the tints on the window isn't a problem for me" I said and she looked at me

"That doesnt mean its good to waste money and if you really want to have tints ill pay half" she said and I frowned

"Heck no" I said looking at the road, "manik please, I may not be a billionaire but I have saving that we can use" she said

"Okay how about we make a deal" I said and she looked at me, "what deal"

"I am gonna open a joint account for us and another account linked to ours for arohi" I said and she looked at me suspiciously

"Manik" she said and I chuckled, "nandini you and I are one right" I asked, "yes", "then why not have a joint account, your money is mine and my money is yours, its our money" I said and she thought about it

"Is that understood nandini", "yes" she said and I smiled, "nandini honestly I dont know what love is, I dont know how one falls in love but I respect you, I want you to be my friend. Im not sure I can fall in love with you. Is that okay" I said genuinely wanting to start fresh

"I understand Manik, I am not expecting you to fall in love with me, I dont know what love is either,  have never been in love and i would love to be friends" she said smiling

"So you are okay with it right, if I dont fall in love with you" I said and she nodded "yes dont worry about it" she said and I felt her a little sad I mean of course you would be sad if your husband told you he cant fall in love

We reached the doctor and walked inside with a sleeping arohi. The doctor came in and was all gawking at me and things gross

"Hello mr and mrs malhotra what can I do for you" she said and I rolled my eyes, "can you do the regular check up things, injections, vitamins, food and all that stuff everything" I said and she smiled

"Of course I can do that mr malhotra" she said touching my arm walking to us and I saw nandini rolling her eyes too

"So put the baby here" she said pouting at the table and nadnini put a sleeping arohi on the baby table, she did the regular check up and time came for her injections which freaked me out

"So mr malhotra she is a very healthy baby for a 9 month old and she is doing well. Lets give her all the injections she should have gotten but didn't, so there is 4. I'll do them one at a time and then we can discuss the diet" she said caressing my arm and I wanted to punch her

"Umm okay" I said moving her arms from mine and going behind nandini which made her laugh for some reason

She pulled the injection out and that was it, "hell no, you aren't putting that anywhere near my baby" I said frekaing out, "mr malhotra its necessary for her" she said grabbing my arm

"No absolutely not" I said and nandini was looking at us, "Manik relax they are good for her" she said and I wasn't convinced

"Mr mlahotra they are needed" the doctor said and I looked at nandini, "nandu please, it'll hurt her, its there a medicine or something like orally" I said and nandini smiled

"Manik its good for her, she will be okay she is your strong girl right", "of course she is a malhotra" I said in a duh tone

"Then just sit, and let the doctor do her job" nandini said and I nodded still not convinced

The doctor gave her the injections and my baby started crying after the first one, fuck I knew it this is why I didn't want to let her have the injection.

"No more, now get away from my baby" I yelled at the doctor as she gave arohi the 3rd injection

"Manik calm down, last one" nandini said grabbing my arm because I was about to yank the doctor away, "I cant watch her cry, please nandu" I said and she chuckled at me, "Manik look at me, you realize you are freaking out more than arohi right" she said and before I could reply arohi's crying and screaming made me grab her off the table

"Shh baby, its okay no more" I caressed her cheek but she wouldn't stop crying, "nandini please" I said helplessly but she smiled grabbing arohi

She caressed her chubby legs where the injection had been and she stopped crying but her nose was so red,

"So about the diet, you can feed her anything thats on this booklet and if you have any questions let me know" she said staring at me

"Sounds good, thank you doctor" nandini said and we got up grabbing the booklet walking out of the doctors cabin.

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