Chapter 20

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Nandini's pov

"Arohi baby " I mumbled feeling her rubbing her nose against my face and she giggled

I opened my eyes smiling, arohi licked my lips giggling so I picked her up putting her on my stomach laying on my back. Arohi sat on my stomach kicking her legs. I looked at the clock and it was only 5 in the morning

"How is my baby up so early early" I kissed her little feet and she laughed.

"Papa" she said and I smiled, "papa is sleeping bacha, its early" she looked at manik making me look at him too

He had his face in my neck, arm wrapped around my arm, sleeping on his stomach. He looked so cute, I was sorta lost in manik but arohi's little hands reaching manik made me look at her

"No aru, let papa sleep he has work baby" I said and she fell on my chest, she started chewing on the buttons of my top.

"Bad baby, no" I moved her but she made a crying face, "acha okay im sorry please dont cry" I said  and she laughed like seriously this girl

"Are you hungry baby" I asked and she bit on my shirt making me shake my head at her, she moved her hands on the button playing with it

I really wanted to sleep again but arohi was up meaning it was time for me to get up but I was super lazy today so I just laid there talking to her until she bit my nipple over my shirt making me scream

"Ahhhh arohi seriously baby" I yelled, realizing that I yelled I lookout manik who stirred in his sleep but fell back a sleep, I looked at arohi and she laughed, "papa", "no is bar papa ni bachayengai, this ia bad habit baby" I said caressing her face and she pouted making me kiss her lips

"Chalo baby, we need to get you bathed and then we can get you some food, does that sound like a plan, is that a plan" I cooed kissing her cheeks and she laughed

I got up with arohi and gave her a bath, I grabbed a dress for her and dressed her on the dressing table because putting her on the bed means Manik waking up too and its only 6:30. I took arohi's crib and placed it infront of the bathroom putting her in in. I left the door opened so that she is infront of my eyes becasue leaving her alone would cause her to cry and Manik would wake up

"Bacha be good for 15 minutes I'm gonna quickly shower okay then we can go play" I said and she smiled, "papa" her obsession with Manik I swear, "hanji papa but he is sleeping aru" I said and walked inside the bathroom.

I hopped in the shower still talking to her and peaked out of the shower curtain and saw her playing so I quickly showered and put on a matching dress. My hair was still but aorhi was standing up in her crib so I had to grab her before she climbs the crib

"Aruuu" I said and she stopped climbing out and looked at me, "no jaan, just give me a second please" I said and she chewed on the edge of the crib making me sigh

I grabbed her from the crib and moved her crib back to beside the bed, covering Manik with blankets I take arohi downstairs. I put her on the carpet in the kitchen that Manik got just for her and she started crawling around.

"Papa", she spoke and I smiled, "baby Papa is sleeping, he needs rest na, so we will not wake him up yet okay", "mmmm" she hummed and I smiled seeing how talkative she is.

"How does hash browns and yogurt sound baby" I asked leaning down kissing her head, "umm pa pa", "okay ill wake up papa after you eat is that okay" I said cooking and she giggled

I finished cooking for her and saw her chewing on her toy, "sweetie stop doing that" I said picking her up from the floor and then picking up her plate. I took her to the backyard and sat down on a swing with arohi in my lap, she grabbed my dress while I fed her.

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