Chapter 9

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Manik's pov

"Fuckk alia I already told you no" I was so fucking pissed at her, we have been arguing for about an hour and a half and its exhausting

I cut the call and mute her number so if she calls it doesn't ring and disturb nandini or arohi. I felt horrible for screaming in the room infant of my girls, I just have to keep it down.

I walk in the room closing the balcony door and saw nandini sleeping with her head on the headboard and arohi was sleeping beside her. I wonder why she is sleeping sitting so I quickly brushed and came out.

I waked to nandini and moved her down but her eyes opened and I moved away, "sorry I just, you were uncomfortable sleeping like that sorry", "its okay, sorry I just wanted to ask you somethings" she said and I nodded

"Where is everyone, ma bhai and Bhabi I didnt see them around" she cares about my family that's so cute, "cabir aur navya shayad room mai honagai ur Mumma she is in Shimla with a few of her friends" I said and she nodded

"Manik can I put arohi on my side" she asked looking down, "don't look down look at me" I said and she looked in my eyes, I held her hands in mine

"Even If you didnt ask I would have said to put her beside you because I sleep like a dead human and I probably move a lot, I wouldn't want to hurt her so having her by you is so much better. Ill have the crib set up tom morning I promise" I said and she smiled, "thank you" she said and moved the pillows beside her and moved the table closer to the bed

She put a heavy blanket on the table and pillows so that arohi doesnt fall. She picked up arohi and put her on her side. I got in bed beside nandini shutting the lights off. I leaned over nandini and kissed arohi's head and I could feel nandini heart racing making me smile. I moved back and layed down beside eandnini

I held her hand and kissed her hand over the ring "goodnight nandu", "goodnight manik" she said tightening her hold on my hand. I closed my eyes and I fell a sleep right away.

I woke up feeling the sun on my face manik me groan, I opened my eyes and the sight infort of me made me gush over my girls. Nandini was sleeping on her back, her hand was still in mine and arohi's face was on her chest.

I quickly grabbed my phone and took a few pictures of them, they looked so cute I couldn't help myself so I kissed arohi's head and then nadnini's head. Thankfully neither of them woke up.

I saw it was only 4 in the morning so I slipped my hand from nandini's and closed the curtains. I got back in bed and held nandini's hand becasue I felt complete having her hand in mine. Her hand seems to fit in mine like it was made for me. I watched my girls sleeping and slowly fell a sleep.

Nandini's pov

I woke up and saw arohi sleeping on my chest making me smile, I kissed her head and saw manik sleeping on my other side with his hand in mine. I moved my hand away from his and he tightened his hold as frowns appeared on his forehead

It took me a few minutes to get my hand out of his grip, but once I did I saw it was 6 so I thought I should get ready before arohi wakes up. I moved arohi closer to manik putting pillows on either side of her and ran to the bathroom.

I got ready in a red anarkali suit, my hair was wet to I left it open. I got to the bed and saw both arohi and manik still sleeping and they looked the same. Manik was sleeping on his stomach and so was arohi, both had hands out and one leg tucked in.

I took a picture of them on my phone and smiled at how similar the two actually are. It was 7 and I wasn't sure if manik has work. That reminds me we haven't really gotten to know each other at all, I know nothing about him other than the fact that he likes black and is a billionaire which is still hard to digest.

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