Chapter 29

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Nandini's pov

He left me in the room, I could see he was just as broken as I was. I know I made a mistake but I dont know what to do to fix it, I would never run away again ever.

It took my whole energy to set a foot out of this house without manik and arohi but I thought it was for their protection but manik is right arohi would lose it without me and so would he. Most important is I would not survive without them.

I was already disturbed since that incident, manik's screams and words added to that but his last sentence that if I leave I cant come back hurt me the most ad when he said fuckk off but it is justified.

Ill apologize to him, arohi and bhai bhabhi too, I know made a mistake and I will fix it but for now arohi, I need to have her in front of my eyes at all times so I ran downstairs and saw manik sitting on the phone so I quietly waited sitting on the floor, why the floor its becasue arohi sits with me on the floor so it reminds me of her.

Manik finished his call and I walked infront of him, "can I please go get arohi" I whispered and he looked at me, "ya ill come with" he said and I nodded,

We walked to the penthouse silently and the door was open, I walked in followed by manik to see arohi running around with bhai chasing him. She stopped seeing me and ran to me

"Mumma, mumma" I picked her up, "hi baby, what is my bacha doing", she sighed and put her head in my shoulder.

"Bhai, bhabhi can I talk to you for a minute" I asked and they nodded, "aru baby, I have to talk to chachu and chachi" she kissed my cheek and sat on the couch beside Manik

I went to the kitchen with bhai and bhabhi, "I am sorry I know I was wrong but at that point I did what I thought was right. I am sorry for putting you though this im genuinely so sorry" I said looking down being guilty and embarrassed

"Nandini sweetheart I am not saying you were wrong or right becasue as a mother you did what you thought was right and no one can judge you for that not even manik. You cannot change what you did but I would say trust yourself and manik" bhabhi said and I nodded

"I know thank you bhabhi" I said and she hugged me

"Nandini you know he lashes out before thinking, you know him so I would say give it time but it'll be okay" he said and I nodded

"Bhai I trust him, I did it because I didnt trust myself because I am not sure if I will be a hazard for wither of them and honestly I can have him hate me for the rest of my life if that means having them safe" I said and bhai patted my back hugging me

"I understand cutie, its just a stepping stone, you guys will get through okay and we are both here for the two of you. If he troubled you more let me know I will beat his ass' bhai said making me smile

"Ill keep the offer" I said smiling and the both kissed my head and we walked outside

Seeing me arohi came up to me, I picked her up, "bye chachu, bye chachi" she said and they kissed her head "bye baby" they said

"Mumma", "ji" I said carrying her back home with manik who was following me

"Aru is hungly" she whsispered in my neck, "what does my baby want to have" I asked "umm Maggie" she said and I smiled, "acha ji matlab iti sari kisses isliye kyuki maggie chahiye" I asked and she giggled making me laugh

"Only if you have fruits with it" I said and she nodded in my shoulder.

We reached home and I took her to the kitchen putting her on the counter, she loves talking to me when im cooking. She folded her legs up threw her hands towards me so I stood infront of her

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