Chapter 32

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I grabbed the dishes from the table and noticed manik looking at me but tears rolled down my cheeks seeing him so I just looked down and walked to the kitchen to wash the dishes

"Why are you crying I didnt even say anything" he said and I knew he was leaning on the entrance without even turning around

"Im not" I said and I felt him coming closer, he stood beside me leaning on the counter, "why are you crying Nandini" he asked again

"Probably just tired" I said, "do not lie to me" his tone firmer this time, "im not lying" I said and was about to walk away but he pulled my arm

"I have told you do not ever lie to me, but you continue doing so" he said, "what do you want me to say manik" I said sighing looking down

"Look at me when I talk to you and tell me the truth, why are you crying" he asked tilting my chin up, I wiped my tears and looked at him

"Its nothing", "DONT FUCKING LIE TO ME NANDINI" he screamed this time

"What do you want me to say manik, what should I say I made a mistake i realize I made a freaking mistake but you behaving like this isn't helping okay so if you dont wanna talk then let me be I dont wanna cry but I can't help it, just let go of my arm and let me be please, I dont have the energy to even stand right now" I whispered because genuinely I was exhausted

"That's great, you make a mistake and im the one being difficult great" he said and I looked in his eyes

"I said I am sorry did I not" I said being pissed off, "you did but I dont want to accept it, it doesn't feel real" he said and I backed up a little

"I cant do anything else manik to show you that I am sorry, I did everything I could but you just dont want to accept it no matter what I do so its up to you, I apologized to bhai bhai and arohi and they all accepted it so its okay. Take your time" I said and was about to walk away but he pulled me back

"What you did wasn't such a small matter that can be forgiven easily" he said and now I was angry

"I know that, do you think I dont know that but I forgave you when you accused me of flirting, I forgave you for yelling at me, I forgave you for saying you dont give a shit about me, I forgave you for everything you said when you brought me back home, I forgave you for dragging me and throwing me on the couch. You dont realize what I went though when I stepped out which is fair enough but honestly manik I can fight or argue right now. You need time right thats okay im willing to do that. Thank you for sorting out the matter, I appreciate it thank you" I said and he chuckled

"You are fucking thanking me like I'm someone random, im your fucking husband nandini" he said and I looked at him,

"you are but from the past 12 hours or so you have behaved nothing like it and my husband would undrstand things without me mentioning it" I said and he grabbed me in his arms walking to the couch, I honestly had no energy to fight or argue

He sat down on the couch placing infant of him and I just closed my eyes leaning on the couch. He pulled me closer and caressed my arm making me open my eyes

"Lets talk through it" he said, "there is nothing to talk about" I said and he sighed

Manik's pov

"Its hard for me too nandini, watching my wife run away from me when I clearly said I will handle things. It hurt seeing you not trust me, it hurt seeing you take decisions without thinking of the consequences. Leaving me Is one thing but leaving arohi is another. Yes it was for our protection I get that but there was no assuring that he would not mess with arohi if you left. Did you think about what I would go through or what arohi would go through not seeing you around when she woke up" I asked her caressing her arm

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