Chapter 16

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Nandini's pov

He placed his hand on my thigh and I looked over at him. I know he is worried but I dont know what to tell him, I myself dont know whats wrong. I feel weak and I am not sure why I feel that. The last few weeks have been weird, I keep feeling dizzy, of course I dint tell manik about it.

"Kya hua meri jaan ko, subha toh bilkul thi tum" he said so softly like I would melt if he raised his voice and I closed my eyes.

"Pata ni" I said and he caressed my thigh a little, "you'll be okay" he said and I thought now I should tell him that I had been super dizzy but I thought against it. Arohi jumped on my lap and manik smiled, as we stopped at a red light he looked at arohi

"Mera bacha please dherai mumma isn't feeling well baby" he said and she understood it because she stopped jumping and sat down in my lap playing with my dupata, "thank you bacha" I said smiling and kissing her cheek

"Manik im okay" I said because he looked super worried, "I know you aren't so don't even try lying" he said and I sighed because he was right

We reached manik's family doctor and we were sitting in the room waiting for him to come and when I tell you I was shit scared, I'm sure Manik noticed it because he put his hand on my lower back

"He isn't gonna bite baby", "I know im just scared" I confessed and he looked at with something I couldn't understand, "Nandini are you not telling me something" he asked and I shook my head even though I was lying

Before he could say anything the doctor came in, "hi Manik", "morning uncle, this is my wife Nandini and my daughter arohi" he introduced and I just smiled

"So what can I do for you today" he asked, "Nandini hasn't been feeling well, she was super dizzy this morning and she looks pale too" manik explained

"Nandini, is there a chance you could be pregnant" he asked and I shook my head, "no"

"Umm are you a 100% sure" he asked and I nodded, "okay lets do some blood work" he said and I nodded

He grabbed a few and by few I mean 12 or 13 viles and I think he noticed me looking at them, "dont worry you won't even know, im just gonna do an overall blood work" I nodded and gave arohi to manik. I sat down and he took blood.

If I say that it didn't hurt id be lying because it did but it wasn't super bad. He took the blood, "ill give you a call to come back once I have her results should be around 30 minutes to an hour" he said and I nodded

"Nandini drink some juice and have something becasue 13 viles is a lot of blood" he said and I nodded

We left his cabin and sat in the car even though I tried convincing manik that we should just go for our picnic but he refused

"Nandini we arent going anywhere till the blood work comes back and you sit herr with Ruhi, ill bring some food and juice for you" he said and before I could argue he left the car making me sigh as arohi looked at me

"I know baby, I lied to papa but agar unhai pata cha gaya na ki I was dizzy for a few weeks he will get gussa", "m ah na ha" she spoke biting her hands

"No baby this is bad" I took her hands out of he mouth and she wrapped her little hands around my dupata

Manik came back with a bag of food making me widen my eyes, "manik yeh itna Sara", "Han toh 13 viles bohot hoti hai chup chap kha lo" he opened the juice and I made a face, I hate fruit juices

Manik's pov

I got us some food and Nandini made a face as I opened fruit juice for her and I knew this is gonna be a difficult task

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