Chapter 22

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Nandini's pov

Manik and I have been married for 3 years now and arohi is 4. Lets just say that if I ever mentioned struggling or losing my mind before I was lying becasue having a 4 year old and a husband who acts like a 4 year old is difficult to deal with and I mean extremely difficult

Arohi and manik make me wanna pull out my hair like strand by strand, they both get on one team and piss me off to the point where I just wanna ahh I feel like taking a cold shower to cool myself. But every time I get super annoyed the two become such cuties and surprise me with different things.

Talking about Manik and I's relationships umm we have been so close but not physically there yet, we have gotten close to doing it but we haven't. However our emotional connection is intense like I can know what he is feeling just looking at his face and he can read my mind now.

I am currently sitting in the backyard, in the rain, thats another thing I love the rain but manik and arohi hate letting me out in the rain becasue I get sick super easy. So I am hiding in the backyard well the two monsters were sleeping so I slipped out from in-between them and I have been siting her for a while maybe a couple hours just getting socked in the rain

"Nandini you cannot be serious" I heard manik yelling at me from the door, I look over and saw arohi and manik glaring at me

I get up and walked towards the door, he opened the door, shutting it behind me, "what the heck nandini", "mamma this is bad" arohi pouted

"Sorry" I whispered and they both glared at me, "nandini why do you pull such crappy stunts huh, bimah padh jaogi toh" he said, "sorry na" I said looking down and he glared walking away

"Aru chalo" he said she kissed my stomach running behind him making me smile slightly.

Manik and I have been arguing the past few days because he thought I was flirting with one of his colleagues, why did he think this well becasue his colleague said hi to arohi and I and I said hi back. The dude kissed my knuckles and he cracked a joke making me laugh. That was it but he has been so distant and being rude for no reason.

I sighed making my way up to our room, I showered and got ready, we were attending a success party for malhotra industries tonight. I didnt really wanna go but just because we argued well no we didnt he just ignored me like im nothing, I cant risk questions being raised about us

"Mumma, mumma" she yelled coming in the room, "ji princess, what's going on" I asked and she sat down on the floor infront of me so I sat down on the floor too

"Papa and mumma fighting" she asked and I shook my head, "no baby, why do you ask" I said caressing her beautiful curly hair

"You sad mumma" she said caressing my face and I smiled kissing her cheek, "no baby im not sad just sleepy" I said and she looked at me

"Remember last night mumma couldn't sleep properly" I said and she nodded and smiled, "okay, dont be sad mumma I love you" she is so cute

"I love you more princess, lets get you dressed up, what does my baby wanna wear" I asked still on the floor. My eyes travelled up to see manik who looked pissed of looking at us but I chose to ignore him

"Matchy matchy" she said looking at my black anarkali and I nodded, "black dress" I asked and she nodded

"Arohi get up, kiti bar bola hai not to sit on the floor" manik said and she giggled, "sorry papa" she said getting up and held her hand out for me, "chalo mumma" she said and I got up holding her hand

I got her ready, putting her hair in half braids and half down, she looked so cute. She ran up to manik who was sitting on the bed on his phone, "papa see mumma did my hair" she showed him and he smiled

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