Chapter 26

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Manik's pov

I woke up feeling nandini's lips on my cheeks making me smile, "jaan" I whispered and she giggled, "morning handsome, get up its super late and don't you have meetings" she whispered and I wondered where arohi was.

I turned around placing my head on her lap and she caressed my hair, "mani wake up" she said again and I groaned, "I'm tired jaan where is arohi" I asked, "sleeping too, its 10 and neither of you are waking up" she complained and I smiled

"Give me 10 minutes with my wife" I said and she giggled, "only 10 minutes" she said and I nodded, I moved up and put my head in her chest as she caressed my hair. I dropped kisses on her neck and she squirmed, "Maniks top" she whispered making me smirk against her neck

"Manik, please" she whispered again and I stopped moving my head to her shoulder opening my eyes, she looked gorgeous, I swear she always looks perfect.

"Good morning love" I said kissing her lips lightly, "good morning mani, utho and go shower" she said and I frowned, I looked at arohi who was sleeping making me smile

"She remind me of you" Nandini said and I laughed at it because she sleeps just like me, "well she is my daughter sweetheart so obviously, nowwww if you are free do you wanna join me in the shower" I asked and she shook her head

"As tempting as it sounds, I have already showered" she said smiling making me smirk, "ya well we won't only shower" I said and she chuckled, "oh I know what you mean" she smiled and I kissed her cheek getting up

i kissed arohi's head and went to shower becasue Nandini was right I was kind of sort of late for work even though I am the boss. When I came out of the shower Nandini had her eyes closed with arohi on her, "jaan tum thik ho" I asked and she opened her eyes

'Ji, ap chalo ill grab you some breakfast" she said, "papa office" arohi said and I nodded, "good morning naughty girl" I kissed her cheek making her giggle, "arohi wants to come" she said and I nodded, "you can come later how about that" I suggested and she shook her head

"With papa" she said and I sighed, "okay, go shower" I said and she ran to the bathroom followed by Nandini, "Manik ap jaa, have breakfast and head out ill bring her in a hour" she said and I nodded

"Come soon jaan, and the driver will bring you okay" I said kissing her nose and she nodded, "drive safe, I love you" she said making me smile, 'I love you more" I said grabbing my keys and leaving

I reach malhotra industries and texted Nandini that I have reached, making my way to my cabin. I dont know why but I had this bad feeling for some odd reason, I rarely get such feelings so I try to shake it off but it kept creeping back to me. I was sitting in a meeting from the past hour or so but my mind was wandering to different things but also nothing in particular.

"Manik is that okay" cabir said and I saw everyone standing up, "umm what" I said getting up, "guys we will get back to you on that, thank you so much for your time" cabir said and they shook hands with cabir and I leaving

"What the fuck is wrong with you man" he yelled, "nothing dude just this bad feeling in my gut, cabir my mind is wandering to weird things, fuckkk why isn't Nandini picking up" I tried calling Nandini but she wasn't picking up

"Is Nandini here" I asked him and he shook his head, "shittt man, she should have been here by now" I kicked a chair and cabir grabbed my arm, "relax Manu take a breath" he said and I just couldn't I needed Nandini with me

"Cabir Nandini call her, call kaka ask when she left, call the fucking driver cabir" I yelled at him and he nodded,

"Hello, kaka nandini nikah gayi, acha okay thank you" he cut the cut, "whattt where is she" I asked being frustrated

"She just left about 10 minutes ago she will be here, can you calm down" he said and I couldn't, "no I can't just fuckkk mannn" I kicking the chair again

"Manik she is fine, arohi is fine can you calm down" he explained and I suppose he is right but I couldn't comprehend that, I just need her here

A few minutes passed by but it felt like forever when the door opened and arohi and Nandini walked in, cabir grabbed arohi before she could reach me and threw her up in the air

"Nandini im taking her with me, lets get you some ice cream aru" he said kissing her cheeks, "yyumm, bye bye" she said licking her lips. As soon as they left my cabin Nandini looked at me making her way towards me.

"What's wrong" she said and I looked at her, "nothing is wrong" I said and she stood inform of me

"Mani, you seem worked up, whats wrong, talk to me", "Nandini I feel, umm I dont know I have this feeling in my stomach like a bad feeling" I whispered and she massaged my hair sitting in my lap.

"Nothing bad is going to happen, everyone is okay, I need you to breath Manik" "I cant Nandini this feeling" I couldn't finish my sentence because she pecked my lips

"Look at me" she said and I did as I was told, "deep breath in, and deep breath out" she said caressing my cheek and hair, A few minutes later I put my head on hers, "can we just go home" I whispered and she nodded

"Of course we can, I think you need sleep mani" she said and I shook my head, "I want you around please, you cant leave me okay, I need you beside me every millisecond" I said and her eyes reflected something

"Manik relax, im not gonna leave even if im being forced to" she said with a sad smile and I wasn't sure what was happening, "what do you mean" I asked and she shook her head, "we will talk about it once you feel better is that okay", I nodded getting up with her still in my lap.

I called cabir telling him to bring arohi back and within minutes she ran into my arms, "papa this is cheating" she said making me smile, "I know doll, but papa had a meeting. We can go home now" I suggested and she nodded, "yaaa play time" she was so excited.

We got in the car and got home, Nandini was actually very happy but there was a sad smile on her face every few seconds. Arohi and I played lots of games, we played hide and seek, puzzles, we ran around changing each other. It was 2 in the afternoon and arohi just went to sleep.

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