Chapter 4

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Nandini's pov

I was heating up some milk for arohi talking with shela aunty, she is so sweet. Manik is also very sweet, he doesn't have to do any of this yet he wants to. I am happy that arohi will have a dad in her life, he freaks out seeing her even make a crying face.

I put milk in arohi's milk bottle and walked outside to the living room. What I saw made my heart melt, manik had arohi in his arms and bhai bhabhi were smiling making arohi giggle while ma I mean nyonika aunty was taking pictures. This is when Bhai's eyes fell on me and he ran to me in full speed

"Nandini nandini kya mai arohi ko god mai pakad sakta hu" he asked and I nodded "of course bhai you dont need to ask" hearing this he smiled to the fullest and ran to manik hitting his head

"You fucker I told you she wouldn't say no" he said and manik glared at him "watch you language infront of my daughter" he said and my heart swelled seeing him like this

"You can't hold my daughter now move and let her eat" he said as I got to manik but cabir Bhai's face dropped hearing this

"Umm bhai you can feed her if you want" I said and his eyes shined, "yes please" he said and manik shook his head, "nope, nandini no" he said holding arohi closer

"Manik its okay, give her to bhai" I said and he looked hesitant, "cabir wash your hands" manik said and I laughed making him glare at me. Bhai ran to the bathroom and came back with semi dry hand

"Now give her to me" he said and manik frowned, "manik give her to bhai" I said and I gave bhai the milk bottle,

Manik gave bhai arohi and his smile was touching his eyes which made me happy while manik's face was worth watching he was literally sulking like a child who lost their favourite candy

"Manu beta teri beti ko koi ni chura raha esai mu mat bana" nyonika aunty said and he just sat there staring at arohi

"Nandini beta thank you for bringing in arohi, she brings happiness", "aunty thank you for accepting her" I said smiling

"Beta call me mom, can I ask you something" she said, "ji ma", "beta arohi kai papa ko yeh sab pata hai" she asked and shit I forgot to tell her this

"Ma, I found arohi in a park, I dont know her real parents, she was crying when I found her in-between bushes", "oh my god bacha I am sorry for asking" she said maybe she noticed my watery eyes remembering her health when I found her.

"No ma its okay, im sorry for not telling you before and thank you for accepting us", "nandini beta we are family okay" she said and I nodded smiling wiping my tears

we were having a moment which was ruined by manik's screams, so we turned towards them and the brothers were fighting,

"Cabir chod na" manik was screaming, "manikkkk I will murder you" bhai screamed back, "yeh bachai bhi na" ma said walking to the both of them and grabbing both their ears

"What is wrong with the two of you huh bacho ki Tarha kyu ladh rahai ho", "ahh ma chodo na dard ho raha hai" manik said, "Mumma chodo no" bhai said and mom left their ears as they rubbed their ear

"Manik won't let me hold my niece", "he will make her cry and she will fall" manik said 

hearing this arohi started giggling looking at manik and bhai, grabbing everyone's attention. "Navya give me my daughter" manik said and I couldn't help but chuckle at his possessiveness for arohi already.

"No, I wanna hold her", "navya give her to me we are going to get her birth certificate and things" he said grabbing arohi from bhabhi's arm and grabbing my arm, "chalo" he said and everyone was laughing

"Nandini get used to it he is very demanding and weird" bhai yelled from behind us as he led me to his car. He opened the door for me and gave me arohi once I buckled up. He sat in the drivers seat and buckled up.

As soon as the car started moving arohi was jumping up and down on my lap as I held her steady, while manik was smiling looking at her jumping on my lap. He was encouraging her like seriously

"Yes baby just like that" he said as she bobbed up and down on my lap, "manik stop encouraging her", "im not" he smirked holding arohi's little hand, "you Mumma is boring haina baby so boring" he said and arohi giggled

"See she thinks so haina baby" he said and as if understanding everything she jumped higher

"This is not fair" I said and he just chuckled and arohi giggled as usual

We reached what seems like a office, "manik umm", before I could finish he spoke up "its my company, malhotra industries, I have my lawyers and everyone here so we can get the papers sighed and everything", "okay" I said and we both went inside

Everyone was greeting manik and I, arohi was in manik's arms and she was giggling and smiling at everyone. We reached a cabin, it read manik malhotra on it and it made me smile for some reason.

"Nandini, its okay come sit" he said caressing my arm noticing I was very uncomfortable seeing so many men in his cabin

Manik sat in his chair with arohi and I sat beside him in a chair he pulled up. They were talking about something It was very boring and I didn't understand anything at all.

"Nandini sign here" he said and I didnt even read it, "nandini ek bar padh toh lo" he said, "manik I trust you" I said and ya its been a day but I trust him

his eyes sparked like the stars, "umm it just says you and I are her biological parents now, paper work will take time but she is ours" he said and I nodded

Once the other people left and it was just manik and I, I looked up at him "thank you manik", "you thank me way too much mrs malhotra" he said with a smile looking at the papers

"Give me 20 minutes and we can go to the doctor I made an appointment" he said and I felt tears running down my cheeks

He loves her like her own, I am so Lucky to have him in my life, papa thank you for choosing the best for me, I hope you are happy seeing me from up there. I miss you papa.

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