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Nandini's pov

Its been a while since that night, a few months to be exact and I have a surprise for manik and arohi. Today for the first time I stayed home alone so I could set up for the surprise.

Its 7 and I heard the main door open, knowing its manik and arohi I quickly hit in the balcony of our room

"Nandini, where are you and why is it so dark" I heard manik yelling, "Mumma Mumma" here comes the mini version of him

"Nandini" he screamed again and I shook my head at him subconciously

I heard the bedroom door open and I stepped out of the balcony hearing a gasp, as soon as I stepped out arohi ran to me

"Mumma ballon" she said picking one u and I picked her up

"Yes baby, balloon, I have more for you, pink, blue yellow and your favourite red" I said kissing her cheeks, "thank you Mumma" she said

"Nandini why didnt you come to the office our yeh sab kya hia, wait did I forget our anniversary, no its not December, its not your birthday or mine or arohi's so what's going on"he asked putting his laptop on the bed and loosing his tie

"Calm down, I have a surprise for you and ms malhotra"I said smiling and they both looked at me

"Dont look at me like that, its not gonna be easy, umm its like a puzzle/ riddle " I said and arohi clapped her hands while manik frowned

"Nandini I'm tired, please", "I know handsome but it'll be worth it I promise, be a good husband and do it please" I said and he smiled coming closer to kiss arohi and I's head

"Okay, chalo" he said, "so I have a few things im gonna give you and you and arohi have to guess whats up, sound good" I asked and he nodded so I  handed him a binkie

"Um its a binkie, maybe arohi's" she said looking at it and arohi put her head on my shoulder, "binkie" she said and I kissed her cheek

"Think a little more" I said and he had this cutest look in his face, his nose scrunched, frowns on his forehead

"Binkie, binkie" arohi said and I smiled, "Nandini im confused" he said and I shook my head walking to the closet where he followed me

I grabbed a pair of t shirt from the closet and handed it to manik but his confused look just got more confused, "im still not getting why you are handing me arohi's things" he said looking at the t shirt

"Manik think" I said and he did for a few minutes but just looked up at me again, "Nandini I dont get it, its arohi's right, her t shirt from when she was 10 months old I think" he said and I shook my head again

I opened my phone and handed it to him, "im not understanding this, its a picture of a crib, like the one arohi has but for younger kids I guess" he said and I nodded

"Yes, now build on it, get the wheels turning" I said and he just shook his head

"Aru baby, come on help daddy he is confused" I said and she giggled, "conf" she said and I smiled, "yes he cannot guess' I said poking her nose

"Wait have you told arohi this or no" he asked, "I have not becasue If I did she would go to you first, she cant keep such secrets" I explained

"Can you just tell me" he asked

"No manik, that's the whole point, you have to guess na" I said stating the obvious

"Can I get a hint" he asked and I shook my head

"Please jaan pretty please" he pouted and I smiled

"Okay fine one last thing even though you won't figure it out by this but swipe on the picture and look at my results" I said and he did

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