Chapter 25

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I layed on Manik's chest when I noticed a smile on his face, "why are you smiling like that" I asked, "Nandini the only thing I am gonna say is that was the best fucking way to make up, I mean ya you were loud I mean so loud baby im glad no onw is home" he teased

"Shut up manik" I smacked his chest and he grabbed my arm laughing "I love you so much Nandini, so much that it hurts to know that I hurt you, I know I put your through hell but I promise to be better" he said kissing the top of my head

I rested my chin on his chest looking at him "I love you more but mr malhotra I didn't think you could improve in the acts of love we just performed but I mean if you say so, ill wait for it" I teased and he leaned down kissing my lips lightly

"Mrs malhotra quit teasing me, im being serious Nandini, I am sorry" he said and I shook my head "relax mani im happy, super duper happy, im not upset anymore" I said and he pulled me up on his chest

"Mani pata hai kabhi kabhi galtiya achi hoti hai see we got closer, we talked things through, we figured it out so stop troubling yourself, I am so freaking happy manik. I have you, arohi, bhai who yelled at you I know and bhabhi who is so sweet and of course ma. So please let me enjoy some moments with my husband before our daughter comes home" I said and he smiled at me

He held me closer and kissed my head, my eyes traveled to the clock making me jump up form manik

"Shitttt its 2, I haven't even made lunch, aren't you hungry" I said getting up putting on manik's shirt that was on the floor. I didnt hear a reply so I looked back and saw him staring at me

"Manik", I called and he grinned, "Nandini you look sexy in my clothes jaan" he said and I noticed he could see my everything through his sheer white t shirt making me cover up with my hands

"We literally just made love Nandini I think its a little too late to be covering yourself from me jaan" he said and I chuckled at him

"Manik sleep for a bit, I know you are tired" I said and he shook his head "no, lets shower" he said picking me up without even me replying. We showered together and I cleaned up the room a little bit while manik came out of the bathroom a few minutes after me

"Mani, come here" I said patting the bed and he fell on the bed putting his head on my chest, my hands went in his hair as I massaged his head, and played with his hair. A few minutes later I felt his full weight on me and I knew he had fell a sleep. I kissed his hair and moved his head to a pillow and he cuddled the blanket. I covered him wth the blanket and turned the air conditioning up a little bit making it cooler for him

I walked downstairs and started making pasta for manik and I when I heard arohi's cries making me run outside. I saw her in bhai's arms crying and bhai was trying his hardest to calm her down but she wouldn't stop crying

"Bhai kya Hua" I asked walking to them and as soon as arohi looked at me she started wailing, "mumma mumma" she cried and it broke my heart seeing her cry

"Kya hua meri jaan ko, shhh baby" I said caressing her back as she layed her head in my chest, "mumma" she said and kissed her head "ji mer jaan, kya hua, why is my strong baby crying" I asked and looked at bhai because she wouldn't say anything but he looked down being guilty

"Nandini, we were going to get ice cream but arohi ran and fell, her knees got scrapped up a little so cabir kind of raised his voice being scared because she ran in mid traffic, sorry" bhabhi said and I looked at bhai

"Bhai haha relax, I dont bite, you did good I would have done the same dont be guilty", I said and he looked at me "sorry Nandini, maine arohi ko bhi sorry bola woh galti sai awaz tez ho gayi thi" he said sitting beside me

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