Chapter 30

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Manik's Pov

She walked downstairs to arohi and I thought about her words, she is right, I might have dealt with a situation differently but she wanted us safe. She is right, I dont have the right to judge her for keeping us safe or trying to keep us safe. She is absolutely right but the path she choose was wrong.

Shaking my thought off I quickly look through the files my team gathered on harshad and I realized he is not just an ordinary person, he runs a sex trafficking business, I could just go to the cops right now but they would ask how I got this information. I had to find evidence or some sort of lead

"Hello, umm arush, can you see if you can find any leads or evidence against harshad Gupta and I want this between you and I just us no one in the company should know about this is that understood", "yes sir" he said

"We will find something sir dont worry" he said, "thank you arush, I appreciate it" I said and and cut the call.

I walked downstairs grabbing the plate that nandini got for me with sandwich, she wrote im sorry with ketchup which was honestly adorable. I found nandini and arohi running around the couch trying to catch each other.

As soon as arohi saw me she snuck behind my leg, "aru this is cheating come out from behind papa" nandini said and arohi giggled

"Papa save me" she whispered making me chuckle at her. I picked her up and she showed nandini her tongue making andnini pout

"This is unfair" Nandini said and arohi looked at her for a moment and then jumped in nandini's arms showing her hands towards Nandini

"Mumma win" she said making nandini smile, "no Mumma and aru win" she said and I smiled at them.

"Hahah arohi no ahahaha baby" nandini giggled as arohi kissed her face, "doll, your face is all sticky baby" she said and arohi laughed

"Mumma papa movie" she said and I nodded, "what movie does my baby wanna see" I asked, "umm elsa" she said and I nodded,

"Ill make ruhi some food okay till then go watch the movie okay baby" nandini said and she nodded

Arohi held my finger and we walked to the movie theatre in the house and I put the movie on, arohi's eyes were glued to the screen. I just sat there trying to understand her fascination with this elsa and Olaf thing.

Nandini came not to long after with two plates, she sat on the other side of arohi and handed me a plate. She made my favourite pasta and had some eggs with pasta and fruit for arohi in another plate.

"Come her missy" she said and arohi hummed, "baby food" and as soon as she heard food she looked at nandini and sat on her lap as nandini fed her while she watched elsa.

I ate too and I couldn't help but notice the im sorry written with white sauce on my plate, it made me smile a little but I was still upset at what she did. I know eventually we will sort it out but I just needed to calm down before I say more harsh words.

We ate and then arohi was starting to fall a sleep so nandini picked her up and carried her upstairs while I locked the doors and closed the lights.

I went upstairs and arohi was in her night dress and nandini was putting her to sleep. I slipped in bed beside arohi after brushing. "Papa" she said and before I could answer nandini looked at her

"Aru no", "papa aru not sleepy" she said and I laughed, "shh baby, close your eyes for umm 15 minutes and if you arent sleepy then we will play okay" I said and she nodded.

She put her face on nandini's chest and closed her eyes while nandini caressed her back. My phone rang so I picked it up, "yes arush, umm give me a second" I said and walked to the balcony

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