Chapter 7

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Manik's pov

The main purpose of coming to the mall was not just get arohi clothes but I had ordered two rings and bracelets. The rings for us and the bracelet for arohi, the expression on Nandini's face when I put the ring on her was magical, she had this shine in her eyes making me smile

"Nandini" I said as she was looking at her ring, "ji" she said looking at me

"Do you think you can love me one day" I asked but the purpose of the question is unnkown to me,

"Honestly, yes" she said looking in my eyes, "really" I asked and she nodded, my heard did a whole fucking summersault for reasons unknown to me

"I can manik but I also know you can't fall for me which Is fine as long as I have you as a friend and arohi's dad I would honestly be okay to spend the rest of life that way" she said and my heart really wanted to scream that I can see myself falling for you in the future but the words didnt come out at all

She had a smile on her face but her smile didnt reach her eyes, I knew it wasn't her real smile yet I couldn't say anything, understanding that I wasn't going to say anything she moved her eyes to the window and arohi sensed the tension I guess because she started crying

"Aru, shh baby" I caressed her back but she wouldn't stop crying, so nandini took her and as soon as she was in her lap she stopped crying. Her little hands were clutching nandini's dupata moving around.

"Ma umm ahh" she is very talkative, "hmm ji bikul" said nandini poking her cheek making her laugh, "ha ah mmm" she said again and nandini giggled, "ahh arohi baby let go" she said trying to her get to stop arohi from yanking her suit down from the neckline

"Aru baby please, I will give you cerelac your favourite please chod do" she said smiling and understanding it arohi left her suit as she fixed it. I loved how she could have easily moved arohi's hand without that much effort but instead of being forceful she was asking her to move her hand

"You know aru this is very bad, ap bohot naughty ho Gaye ho aj kal this is not good" she said kissing her cheek as arohi stood in her lap.

"Yes I know but baby this is not good na" she said as if having a full conversation with her as arohi jumped up and down in her lap.

I honestly don't know why I didn't say anything but I want to tell her about my past before that. The way she takes of arohi really makes me happy I know no one could be a better mother than her for arohi and our future kids. Fuckk Manik wrong path dude

I shook my head at my thoughts when my eyes fell on my ring making me smile, We got home, the whole way here arohi was very talkative, she was jumping on Nandini's lap moving around a lot, she even cried because nandini wouldn't let me hold her when I was driving which was for her safety but as soon as we got out of the car arohi moved her hands towards me making smile. nandini handed her to me as we walked inside.

Cabir and navy were sitting in the living and when I tell you chair ran up to me I mean he literally jumped skipped and hopped to me.

"Give me" he said and I wanted to punch him, "no" I said and he made a sad face, "Manik" nandini said and I frowned, "no" I said sitting beside navya and cabir sat beside me, "Manu please na" he said and I looked at nanidni who nodded so unwillingly I gave her to cabir and she was laughing while cabir threw her in the air but I almost had a heart attack

"You idiot, she will fall" I said but navya and nandini both glared at me, "Manik shut up" navya said and I pouted like a child sitting

"By the way jo tuna pura mall kharid liya na woh par room mat rakhwa dia maine" said navya and I nodded, "I told him it wasn't necessary" nandini said walking to the kitchen

"It was okay" I said and she shook her head getting water for me and juice for navya and cabir, "it wasn't, she will grow out of her clothes like I told you" she said as she sat beside navya

"Nandini chod yeh pagal hai rehenai dai, he is na a little possessive and impulsive" said navya nd I frowned how everyone took nadnini's side, "bhabhi I have noticed that, you should have seen him at the doctors, he was freaking out more than arohi when she got injections" she said laughing

"Oye mera majak mat udao, those injections were huge man" I said and navya laughed, "Manik yar seriously

"Arey bhabhi I had to hold him down so he wouldn't attack the doctor" said nandini and cabir and navya both laughed making me glare at nandini, "you are on their side too" I said and nandini just smiled

"Fine be that way but the doctor was rude, she was flirting with me and she let my baby cry, what else did you want me to do" I said justifying my actions but they just laughed more

"Forget it, issai argue Karnai ka koi fyda ni" said cabir as he handed nandini arohi, she was starting to close her eyes

"Arohi baby not right now, you have to eat" nandini said walking to the kitchen with her

"Manik" cabir said and I knew soemthing stupid is coming, "what" "you got rings" he asked and I nodded

"You did it by yourself without us asking" he said, "listen don't make a big deal out of it yar, she might not be comfortable with wearing mangalsutra and sindoor so rings are much better" I said and navy smacked my head

"Grow up kid, confess up to your feelings and thoughts, I'm not saying now but thing over it, talk to her" she said and I nodded "understood navu" I said and heard nandini and arohi's giggles

"Fuck man I love her so much" I whispered more to myself but cabir heard, "oh wow that was quick", "I meant arohi not nandini", "I never took names" he smirked, shit I should have known his tricks

"Nandini do you need help with arohi" navya asked was nandini came out with arohi in her arms, "no bhabhi im good thank you though, umm im gonna feed her and put her to sleep" she said and cabir ran to her, what is with him and running to my wife and daughter

"She is so cute" he said kissing her head and navya kissed her cheek, "goodnight arohi" cabir said followed by navya and nandini walked upstairs with a very hyper arohi

"Im gonna go set up the crib for her, you guys have dinner and mom where is she" I asked, "she is at her friend's house In Shimla, should be back in a few days she asked me to tell you but I forgot" he said laughing

"Idiot" I smacked his head and he punched my arm, "cabir manik stop fighting, manik go set up the crib and you come have dinner" navya said like a mother and I walked up the stairs.

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