Chapter 14

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Nandini's pov

I woke up feeling small hands on my chest, I open my eyes to see arohi's hands on my chest. She was trying to jump up holding my suit making me smile at her

"Good morning baby" I kissed her cheek and she slammed her face on mine trying to kiss my lip that made me giggle.

"Good morning my babies" I heard manik's voice in my neck and that's when I noticed his arm was around my waist, his face in my shoulder

"Morning Manik" I said and he moved out of my neck and kissed my cheek, super close to my lips making my breath hitch a little, which I don't think he realized because he was still sleepy. He kissed arohi's face and she giggled trying to kiss him back.

He moved his face on his pillow and I got up and rested my back on the headboard with arohi on my chest. Seeing me sit up manik moved his head to my stomach and kissed arohi's feet

"Ah ah" she was literally talking in her baby language with manik as he tickled her feet making her kick him and laugh

"Manik" I said and he giggled like a school girl kissing her feet, "Nandini I'm tired" he said putting his arm around my waist

"Then sleep more, its sunday anyways" I said and he shook his head, "I wanna play with arohi" he said and I couldn't help but smile

"Manik, ill give her a bath, feed her, change her, it'll take time till then sleep" I said and he hummed but took my hand and put it on his head

"Do it na" he cribbed like a child and I started massaging his head, moving my fingers around his hair. Arohi put her head down on my chest and put her hands in manik's hair too like I was doing

A few minutes laters I heard manik's soft snores making me smile and arohi looked at me hearing his snores and giggled. I slowly moved arohi first and put manik's head on a pillow, I picked up arohi and she threw her hands towards Manik so I held her hand and tilted her a little towards him and she kissed his head making me smile. I kissed his cheek and walked to the bathroom with arohi

"What does baby wanna do today, papa is home too" I said and she giggled, "okay how about we play with Chachu today" I said and she laughed throwing her hands up in the bath. I finished giving her a bath and she is so cute, she kept trying to grab my suit.

I put her in her little towel and thought about showering but Manik was still sleeping so I put on my dupata on and put a cute little t shirt and shorts on arohi. I picked her up and put her on my hip walking downstairs with her to the kitchen.

No one was up even though it was it was 10 which was weird but I ignored that thinking its Saturday. I made some eggs for arohi and I was gonna feed her in the kitchen but she was moving around a lot so I grabbed her little plate and took her upstairs

Manik was still sleeping so I placed arohi on the bed and she took my dupata, her obsession with my dupata is just out of this world. She has to be holding my dupata most of the time even when she is with Manik she needs it, I am so stupid for thinking she doesn't love me. The mental breakdown was becasue I thought I wasn't a good mom but Manik is right, she is 1 so I need to calm down

I was feeding arohi and she was playing with my dupata when manik's phone rang, he groaned hearing it. "Nandini can you pick up this damn phone" he yelled thinking im not in the room

"Im right here" I said picking up his phone and he put a pillow over his head while arohi was eating. "Hello", "who the fuck is this" the voice on the phone yelled

"Its Nandini", I said, "nandini I will fucking end you and your fucking child if you dont leave Manik alone" she said and I knew it was alia but her words shook me,

"I dont give a crap about your relationship with Manik but if you ever say a single thing about my child you'll see the worst in me" I said and cut the call, I had tears in my eyes even hearing that she had the potential thought about hurting arohi

I guess seeing me arohi started crying really loud and Manik woke up as soon as he heard her cry. "Shh im sorry baby" I said with tears in my eyes and Manik freaked out

"Nandini why are you crying baby" he wiped my tears and picked up arohi trying to calm her down "Shh aru, no crying" he said and it didn't affect arohi she wailed in his arms  staring at me

I grabbed her out of maniks hands and she moved her tiny hands over my cheeks crying, I kissed her cheek and Manik wiped my tears. "Im not crying see" I smiled looking at arohi and a few second later she stopped crying too and looked at me

I took a deep breath and caressed her face, she put her face in my chest clutching my suit in her tiny hands as I caressed her back. I could feel manik's gaze on me but those tears ran down my cheeks again.

"Jaan please dont cry, im sorry did I do something wrong im sorry I yelled I" he was getting stressed, "you didnt do anything Manik" I said and he shook his head, "talk to me jaan, kya Hua", "Manik she will hurt arohi" I said hiccuping and manik pulled me in a hug with arohi being in the middle in arms

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