Chapter 21

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Manik's pov

Nandini was fixing her dress after arohi came in my lap even though her dress was fine

"your dress is fine why woooooohhhh hahaha thats why you yelled" I laughed seeing nandini's dress a little wet around her umm chest

"Dont laugh Manik, it hurt when she bites my nipple, I dont know why she has been doing this" she said and I laughed, "ya laugh laugh when she bites yours na tab pata chalega" she pouted making em smile

"Sorry baba" I kissed her nose and looked at arohi, "bacha yeh kya kia apnai, see now it looks like your mumma got bitten hahaha" I laughed seeing the bite mark on her dress

"Ahh I can't even with the two of you, its not even funny Manik, it looks so inappropriate", "relax nandini, acha come here" I said pulling her closer and hesitantly rubbing over that area a little making the bite mark straighten out a little

"Is that better" I asked and she looked down and nodded frowning, "its better but why does she bite so much, I haven't even breast fed her" she asked me and I couldn't help but notice how comfortable she is with me

"It happens baby, she was teething right so maybe thats why, its nothing serious and she does it why she wants you attention maybe" I justified and she nodded, "maybe but you need to stop doing that miss" she said looking at arohi who laughed

"This is not funny, why does she keep laughign" nandini asked making me smile, "dont be cranky jaan, you just need sleep and so does your baby, go sleep" I said and she shook her head

"Ill put her to sleep but alia will be here by then so ill sit here with you" she said and I nodded, I actually wanted her to be around, she calms me down unknowingly

"Come here you naughty little girl" nandini said picking her up from my lap, "oh no no, dont kiss me to make up hehhe" she giggled as arohi kissed her lips

"Okay last time ill forgive you huh" she said kissing arohi who smiled, Arohi laid her head on nandini's shoulder holding her dress

I love how no matter what nandini is wearing, arohi always holds her dress or dupata, even when she is holding her. The fact that she bit nandini's nipple made me laugh so hard, especially the fact that nandini was so worked up at little things arohi does.

Nandini was walking around with arohi humming a random song to her which seemed to work becasue arohi's eyes drooped and she closed her eyes clutching nandini's dress with one hand while her other hand was around nandini's neck

"Goodnight baby" I whispered kissing her head and then I looked at nandini, "janna dont think much okay, im right here and you dont have to have to be here, you can sleep too if you want" I said holding her waist

"Im okay, I just am worried for arohi", "she will be fine, she has us right so we are good" I said and she gave me a smile

"You want put her in the room" I asked and she shook her head, "is it okay if we bring her crib out here please in that corner" she said pointing to the corner where the crib cant be seen

"Of course, ill bring it out baby" I said and grabbed the crib setting it in the corner beside the couch. She put arohi down in her crib placing a light blanket over her smiling.

"Come here jaan" I said and she walked to me as I wrapped my arm around her waist pulling her close, "don't worry about it okay, I got you love, I got both of you okay", she nodded putting her head on my chest

This is the first I noticed how short she actually is, her body fits right against mine just like her hands fit perfectly with mine. Maybe this marriage was meant to be because she is made for me, I dont believe in god and all that but I think god made her for me.

"I love you mani" she whispered in my chest making me smile at the nickname, "I love you so much more nandini" I kissed the top of her head

The door opened with a bang making nandini and I look at arohi who was still sleeping. My eyes went to the door and of course it was alia.

"Here it goes" I whispered to myself and nandini kissed my chest pulling away from me

"Good morning Manik" she chirped, I sat in my chair and nandini stood beside me so I pulled her in my lap, "Manik chodo" she said and I just ignored her

"Yes hi alia, how are you", "well I was good until you pulled that fucking slut in your lap" she said and I was about to throw the cup infront of me on her but nandini stopped me

"Manik no" hearing her I stopped, "alia here is how its gonna work, you are not gonna all my family by any names or we aren't talking" of course she nodded

"You called nandini and said you will hurt her and my daughter", i asked

"ya well I was pissed off at her, its becasue of that baby right that's why you are with her. Then I dont have a problem Manik, you take that baby and leave this bitch, ill take care of the baby please" she said like its no big deal

"Alia I dont love you, I really dont, I used to like you, it wasn't even love and I realize that now. So please try to understand that I cannot love you, I do not love you and I do not want to. We were something in the past, but since money was more valuable in your life than I ever was or our friendship ever was, you lost me and you can't have me back." I explained every calmly becasue nandini was drawing circles on my chest

"Come on Manik, why are you saying that, you know I love you so much, it was a mistake and I regret it but please dont punish me like this. I am so much better than her. She isn't even that hot, I am so much better in bed than she could ever be" is she seriously psychotic

"Alia I'm done with this conversation, I thought I could be nice and calm but clearly you dont appriciate that", she interrupted me, "you can be nice, Manik please I seriously cannot live without you",

"Then die I dont give a shit about you at all, you chose him over me when I needed you the most, you chose money so fuck off", I got up placing nandini on the chair


"You wouldn't call him" she says and I chuckled, "alia watch me call him and you know he will believe me over you, he was my friend before he even knew your bitch ass existed"

"Manik language" said nandini and I took a breath,

"alia just get out seriously and the next time you try threatening my family think about this, one call and you will be on the streets so think twice before pulling the stunt you pulled yesterday. I mean it" I said and I could see she understood becasue she kind of shivered

"Is that understood alia", "ya, sorry, im sorry nandini" she apologized and nadnini smiled, "its okay alia" she said and alia left making me sigh

"You know you sound kind of scary when you use that flat voice" nandini said and I chuckled looking at her

"Is that so", "umm hmm its umm weird, you are so calm yet your voice just I dont know" she said and I laughed

"Well I was a bit distracted" I said, "and why is that mr malhotra" she said holding my arms

"Well you know my wife na she was drawing circles on my chest which is very very distracting" this made her smile

"Mr malhotra stop getting distracted and focus on your work" she said and I smiled at her

"Chalo, ill grab you some breakfast and a pill then you can sleep" I said and her nose scrunched making me kiss he lips

I got her some breakfast along with her iron pill which she took without any arguments. She didn't sleep though, she was up the whole time becasue arohi woke up after we ate.

This was our everyday routine, nandini and arohi came with me to the office everyday, even after cabin and navya got back. I just cant stay away from the two of them.

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