Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I quickly get my things at nanghihinang lumabas ng office para sundan siya. Gosh, hindi talaga siya papatalo.

Fortunately, it is already lunch time dahil hindi talaga ako sasama sa kanya kung oras pa ng trabaho. Normally, I would just order something during lunch, pero dahil sa kanya ay kailangan ko pa tuloy lumabas.

I saw her patiently waiting for me. I suddenly want to erase her self-satisfied smirk.

"Let's go." Sabi ko sa kanya at hinayaan siyang maunang maglakad.

Dahil nasa huli ako nito ay nagkaroon ako ng chance na pagmasdan ang galaw niya.

Seriously? Lumalakad ba siya o rumarampa? Gusto niya yata gawing runway itong corporate hallway.

"Why are you so bagal? You should walk with me." Ngayon ay lumingon na ito sa akin at nakataas pa ang isang kilay. I want to sarcastically mimic her 'so bagal'. Ang arte.

Hindi pa siya nakuntento at talagang iniangkla pa ang kaliwang braso niya sa kanang braso ko.

I saw how some employees gasped because of what they saw.

Oh no. They might misunderstand. Baka isipin nilang may namamagitan sa amin ng babaeng 'to. I don't want to get involved with her issues.

Akmang tatanggalin ko na sana ang mga braso nito nang biglang narinig ko ang sinabi ng tatlong employees na nadaanan namin. Mahina lang 'yon pero narinig ko pa rin.

"May girlfriend pala si Sir?"

"Hindi pala bading si Sir Cee?"

"Oo nga, akala ko rin nga bakla siya."

What?! So, all this time akala nila bakla ako? I don't want to overthink, but am I getting obvious? All these years, I thought I had mastered the act of masculinity.

Naisip ko tuloy na kaya ako gustong iset-up ni Lolo Sebastian ay baka pinaghihinalaan na nito na bakla ako.

Mukhang narinig din ng katabi ko dahil narinig ko ang mahina nitong tawa.

"I'm not gay." I quickly said to her right after we stepped inside the elevator. I want to facepalm because the way I just blurted it sounds like I'm so defensive.

"I really hope so." She said while suppressing her laughter. "You kinda act soft sometimes." Dagdag pa nya. I can't help it. I am a woman after all. I have feminine energy.

Saka kung sa tunay man na lalaki, acting soft is not enough basis to conclude that a male individual is gay. This is why some men are afraid to show their soft side. The society always tells them to act strong and firm. The same goes with women na kailangan maging mahinhin and such.

Acting contrary to gender role expectations doesn't make people less of their gender. Also, an individual's sexual orientation doesn't make them less human. Those gender stereotypes are just limiting people's ability to achieve their potential.

But from what I have learned today, I should really try hard to act more masculine.

"Where do you want to eat?" I asked. Hinayaan ko na lang siya na nakakapit sa braso ko.

"You decide." I want to roll my eyes. Siya ang nagyaya pero hindi pala niya alam kung saan.

We step out of the elevator once it reaches the floor of the company's lobby. May ilan din na empleyado ang nadadaanan namin na bumabati. Ang iba naman ay may pagtataka lang na nakamasid. This woman is really attracting their attention.

I Am a WomanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon