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Two years ago, I told myself that if I ever get to be the woman I've always wanted to be, it will be the happiest I'll ever be. But even though I became someone who I truly am, I can't say that it's the happiest thing. Sure, it made me happy, but it feels like something is still missing.

Until I had Verra Normans back in my life and made me experience euphoria. With a full grasp of my own identity and having her by my side, I can say that I am now in the happiest state of my life.

Oh, how I love to be a woman, and how I love to be loved by a woman.

["What are you doing, hon?"] Verra asked through the phone.

Nagpakita ako ng ilang segundo sa camera bago muling humarap sa salamin.

"I'm shaving my eyebrows." Sagot ko sa kanya. Nang muli kong sinulyapan ang phone ko ay nakita kong nakasimangot na ito.

It's my day off today, while Verra is at their company for an urgent meeting. Tapos na ang leave nito last month, kaya balik na ulit ito sa trabaho.

It has been two months since we were back together, and I can say that my life has never been this exciting.

She's kinda busy these days, and our time don't meet most of the time. Kapag wala itong ginagawa ay saka naman ako ang busy sa trabaho. Tapos ngayon na day off ko naman ay siya itong kailangan sa company nila.

We are supposed to have a date today, pero bigla siyang pinatawag sa company nila. We haven't seen each other since yesterday, and we just settled into video calls.

"Is your meeting done?" Tanong ko dito nang hindi ko ito narinig na sumagot.

["Hmm, I just need to sign some papers, then I'll be off. I'll be there. I miss you."] She answered and gave me a sweet smile.

I bit my lips to suppress my smile. Pero hindi ko mapigilan ang pag-ngiti ko kaya mabilis na lang akong umiwas sa camera ng phone ko. I heard her let out a small giggle because of that.

"I miss you too." I shyly replied to her. Gusto ko sana na ako ang pupunta sa kanya pero coding ang kotse ko. I can commute naman pero since she said she would be here, I'll just wait for her.

"Come here already. I want to claim my bonus." I added. Dahil sa sinabi ko ay agad na nawala ang ngiti nito at napalitan ng isang masamang tingin.

["No way! What are you planning now? I told you I would not let you braid my hair again. Remember last week? It took me almost an hour to untangle my hair! So, no!"] May gigil na sabi nito.

"Because makulit ka! You keep on asking for kisses!" Kontra ko sa kanya.

["It's not because I'm makulit. It's because you don't really know how!"]

"Fine. I will not braid your hair. I will just paint your nails instead." Nakasimangot na saad ko sa kanya. But that's really the plan. I saw my nail care and nail polish kit. I already painted my nails while waiting for her call kanina, and I also want to try it on her.

Sa tingin ko naman ay maayos na ang magagawa ko ngayon.

["We can just book an appointment at a nail salon. Just please, not my pretty nails!"] She hysterically said on the other line.

It looks like she really doesn't trust me on this one. But I know her. Just one magic word, and I know she'll agree with me.

"Come here. I'll give you a kiss." I said softly to her through the phone screen. Nakita ko na nawala ang pagkakunot ng noo niya, pero masama pa rin ang tingin. Ilang sandali pa ay pinatay nito ang tawag nang walang paalam.

I Am a WomanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon