Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

True to my words, I did my best to know Verra more. I took a sincere interest in her life and likes. 

It has been two weeks since that day, and I can say that Verra and I are getting along well.

Pero may mga maliit pa rin talagang mga bagay na hindi natin mapipigilang kainisan. Tulad na lang ng panibagong bungkos ng bulaklak sa ibabaw ng table niya. Kanina ko pa ito tinititigan ng masama dahil may ideya na ako kung kanino ito galing.

"What's with the face?" Vera asked.

"Who gave you that?" Tanong ko sa kanya pabalik habang nakasimangot na itinuro ang flower bouquet.

Tiningnan nito ang itinuro ko bago ilipat ang tingin sa akin. Bakas ang pag-aalinlangan sa mga mukha niya kung sasabihin ba niya o hindi.

"It's from Welvin."

I want to roll my eyes because my guess is right. That guy is still making his move on Verra.

"Why did you accept it?"

"He keeps on insisting. I just want him out of my sight, kaya tinanggap ko na. Don't be mad, please."

I just heaved a sigh and shrugged off the feeling of annoyance for that guy.

"Please don't accept it next time."

"Noted, hon." She said while sweetly smiling at me.

Habang pinapanood ko itong mag-ayos ng gamit niya ay may bigla akong naalala. I have been wanting to ask her this question.

"That that your ex-boyfriend?" Nananatiya kong tanong. Hindi naman siguro masama na itanong ko ito.

Sumulyap ito sa akin at umiling.

"No. He's just a family friend."

So, he is a family friend who happened to like Verra. I wonder kung alam din ba ni Verra na sinisiraan siya ng lalaking 'yon sa ibang tao.

"Don't worry, hon. This will be the last time I will accept flowers from him. I will also tell him not to bother me anymore." She said in an assuring tone.

"You will do that?"

"Of course, hon. You just need to tell me what you don't want."

"Then, don't let men hit on you. Don't let other men touch you. Don't look at them the way you look at me-" Natigilan naman ako ng marealized ang mga sinasabi ko. Damn. I'm being demanding!

"Uhm, I'm sorry. I take that back. That's demanding. You are free to do what you want." Bawi ko dito at iniwas ang tingin.

"It's okay, honey. If that's what you want. But please do the same. Don't let girls flirt with you, and I want your eyes only on me."

My heart is fluttering because she's willing to do the things I want. I know it's already a given rule when you are in a relationship, but her giving me assurance is kinda overwhelming.

"Oh! More importantly, please don't lie to me." Dagdag niya.

Ako naman ay tila natigilan sa kinatatayuan ko. Her last words echoed in my mind.

Don't lie.

"Y-Yeah, sure." I answered as if it wasn't a lie for the nth time.

It's not my intention to lie about my identity, Verra. But I'm still not ready to tell you the truth. When I find the courage to do that, I hope you will understand me.

"Let's go?" Yaya niya matapos ayusin ang kanyang mga gamit. Ikinawit nito ang kanyang braso sa aking braso bago ako hilahin palabas ng office niya.

I Am a WomanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon