Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

I was wrong. He didn't like me. So, I chased him and did everything for him to like me back. He admitted that he likes me now, and that fact made me immerse myself in euphoria.

Everything is going smoothly and perfectly—that's what I thought.

"He's changing you, Verra. We all know that you don't dress like that. He's clearly controlling you." I heard Yaran blurted out.

"He's not controlling me. It's my choice, Yaran." I defended. It's true. I have my choice. Hindi niya ako pinipilit. Besides, I feel like a better version of myself whenever I'm with him.

"Don't you notice how soft he is? He is gay, Verra. I'm telling you!" Yaran blabbered for the nth time.

We were supposed to be having a chill and relaxing night, but there she is, keeps insisting that my boyfriend is gay. I'm trying to understand her, pero sumosobra na siya.

"He is not! Not because he's soft, he's gay. You should stop comparing my boyfriend to your ex-boyfriend Yaran! Because unlike him, I know Cee would never leave me for a man, just like what your ex did to you!" I half yelled out of frustration. I didn't mean to open up the past and the wound she's trying to heal, pero nawalan na talaga ako ng pasensya sa kanya.

The next thing I know, she's already pulling my hair out of drunkenness, and I can't do anything but do the same.

Cee is not gay. He likes me, and I will hold on to that.

Not until the moment I planned to surprise him in his unit.

I was almost leaping like a child while walking to his unit. May dala akong isang bouquet ng bulaklak para sa kanya. I bought this for him. It's my first time giving flowers to someone. I believe that a man like him deserves flowers too.

I couldn't help smiling from ear to ear. We will be meeting my parents later, and I plan to confess to him.

Being with him for so many months feels like I am on cloud nine. He treats me the way nobody else does. He takes care of me and treats me like a queen. He is my dream man.

I don't just like him—I love him.

Nang makarating ako sa tapat ng unit niya, ay agad kong napansin ang nakaawang nitong pinto. Did he forget to close it?

Nagtataka man ay pinili kong pumasok sa loob para supresahin siya. I smelled the flowers I was holding as I found my way inside his unit.

Nakarinig ako ng ingay na tila nag-uusap sa loob ng kanyang kwarto. I slowly went inside, only to hear the words I wished I hadn't heard that time.

["Does she know you're a woman?"] I heard the voice from his phone, dahil na ka loudspeaker ito, and I know that it's his mother. I met her twice.

Pero mas nagtaka ako sa sinabi nito. A woman? Who is she referring to?

"N-No, Ma. I tried telling her, but I always find myself backing out. I'm afraid that she will hate me once she knows that I'm not really a man but a woman."

My heart doubled its beat out of nervousness and fear. No. No. No. Mali lang siguro ang narinig ko. It can't be. He can't be. That's impossible. That's ridiculous.

I heard them exchange their conversation, and I couldn't do anything but stand there with trembling knees. Nanghihina ako. My mind and heart can't process and accept what I have heard.

"I am a woman, but I love Verra, Mama."

That's when I lost it. I can't feel my eyes tearing up. My hand is shaking, and my lips are quivering.

I Am a WomanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon