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Ok...well I guessed that...can we give him a inflammatory or something again to help?" Chan asked her, he waited for her response but could tell...

Her facial expression didn't give any good news...

"Dr. Park...?" He asked her again, she looked at Chan and then to Felix. Gently cupping his face kissing his nose.

"Felix kitty, you know you're my very favorite kitty patient right? Like a hybrid of my own?" She smiled to him, Felix purred some smiling back.

"Y-you're my favorite doctor too Dr. Park...!" He meowed twitching his cat ears, Chan furrowed his eyebrows confused as to why she was suddenly telling Felix that...

"Jihyo...is there something wrong...?" Chan asked her more seriously, she glanced to him giving a knowing look then back to Felix.

"You're such a very rare...pretty and special kitty with your tail, a very rare tail you have Felix...but..." she said softly to him, Felix purred at more compliments...but Chan knew...

He knew she was trying to get the boy as calm and happy as he could...before telling any bad news...

Because he himself...would do that to patients too...


"Channie says I'm special!" He meowed and giggled some more to her, Jihyo took a deep breath looking at Felix then to Chan.



Chan quickly covered Felix's cat ears with his hands, the boy was confused looking up to him.

"Channie...? What's wrong?"

"Kitten, hold on" Chan said to him, Felix gave a pout looking at him then to her. Chan knew if he did that, Felix couldn't hear any whispers with his heightened hearing blocked.

"Jihyo, please...don't tell me..." Chan whispered to her with sad eyes, she tried to force a smile to Chan.

"Chan...I think, it might be best. With the nerves of his tail...to amp-"

"No! No...we can't amputate his tail...! Do you know what that would do to his emotions? He already gets insecure enough about his eye..." Chan whispered sadly to her, Felix just watched the two talk not really understanding since his cat ears were covered and he wasn't the best at reading lips.

"Chan...I know this I hard, but he keeps having sensitivity from the accident-"

"No please...! Jihyo...isn't there any other option??" Chan pleaded, Jihyo looked at him then to Felix who was looking at them curiously.

She took a deep breath directing her gaze back to Chan.

"There is one..."

"There is?? What is it?? What-"

"But it's only worked in 3% of hybrids in the world...so I can't guarantee a success if I try it with Felix..." she confessed.

"Dr. Park we need to try all options before Amputation of his tail as a last resort...! And you said his genetics are rare right?? S-so that would mean like how he was in the 1% of getting extra heats, or the reaction to cherries to help them! Even his tail has a curve...you said rarely any other hybrids have that...whatever the option is...we need to try it...Even if it's a 3% success rate..." Chan begged, Jihyo nodded with a smile.

"Ok...I'll tell you both what it is. Can he hear everything properly from us now?" She asked gesturing to Chan's hands on Felix's cat ears.

"Oh...um ya..." Chan did so removing them, Felix was still wondering what they spoke about.

"Dr. Park...? Channie...? What's wrong? Why do you look sad...? Do you want a hug?" He meowed to Chan, the older felt like tearing up but just pulled him into a hug kissing his head.

"I just love you kitten...so much..."

"I love Channie too...!" Felix meowed. Jihyo smiled petting Felix's head.

"Felix kitty, I need to tell you about something I want to do with your tail to try and make it feel better" she said getting their attention.

"My tail...? Ok! Um, what will you do?" He asked listening, the older also paid attention to her words.

"So sweetie...your nerves have become very sensitive overtime due to your fracture. But I think I'll be able to help it permanently to stop hurting or feel sensitive in the future" she smiled to him.

"R-really...?? What is it??" Felix purred leaning closer, Jihyo went over to the touchscreen on the wall, pulling up the last x ray of Felix's tail.

"So, what I will do...is there are these 12 nerve points here in your tail" she used the editing effect circling each one.


"Each of these points are connected together, so what I will do is go into each one with a very small needle and administer this special medication that is specific for hybrids nerves to regenerate them. It's a medication that has good long term effect, and even though it has a 3% success rate...The few patients I've done this procedure on haven't had any problems ever again, they could play and have fun with their tails feeling healthy" she explained.

"N-needle...? You would have to use a needle 12 times??" Felix began to panic with sadness.

"Yes sweetie, but you will be asleep with anesthesia! The procedure will take me about an hour to do, because after we would need to check the nerves and make sure they react well with the medication" she petted his head.

Chan listened to it all liking this option much better than amputation...

"Oh...Channie told me before...anesthesia...makes you sleep? W-will it hurt or will I wake up-"

"Correct! And we will make sure you have a nice cat nap monitoring you the entire time. I promise" she reassured him, Felix listened again nodding.

"Oh...ok...! Well that doesn't sound too bad! I-"

"How long would recovery take? And what...are the risks?" Chan asked her feeling some concern still.

"Well, he would need to stay overnight in the hospital. If all goes well he can go home the next day, but nothing active. No playing, no naughty time, and being careful with his tail for at least 2-3 weeks!" She tried to lighten to mood.

"Ok, and-"

"And for risks, there isn't much of any...only thing is that if doesn't work...the first option I suggested to you Chan, would be our next step" she said seriously to him, Chan nodded looking at the screen.

"First option...? What's that about Channie?" Felix asked the older, Chan didn't want him to freak out so he kept it to himself.

"It's not important right now baby, just...this procedure is. Like she said, you'll be asleep and recovery won't be too long. Ok?" Chan kissed his forehead.


"Oh, ok! Yes please Dr. Park! Fix my tail please! Channie says it's special! I love my tail!" Felix giggled to her.

"And I love it too! Perfect, me and Chan are going to discuss setting up the procedure and things for a moment!"


"Great sweetie! Chan, you want to discuss outside with me?" She gestured to the door, Felix was busy staring at the screen of the tail x-ray when Chan looked at him.

"Ya, let's plan it all..."

Please let this work...

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