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The next day Felix was so happy with what he found and wanted to share with seungmin, Chan was busy with another patient while Felix was at his own job at the cafe.

But he called Chuu when Seungmin would come into the office, wanting to talk to him.

"Ok, and this form confirms you are aware of the risks of surgery-"

"Yes I know..."

Seungmin was filling out all the paperwork sadly with a nurse, when he finished he was going to leave to mentally prepare for the surgery tomorrow.
And on his way to the front desk he saw Felix run up to him.


"Felix...? Hi..." he said trying to greet Felix in a happy mood, Felix grabbed his hand taking him to one of the sitting areas.

"Seungmin I found something come with me!"

While Chan was talking to a patient for sometime, a bit later on He came out a room to go ask Chuu a question.

"Hey Chuu, did Seungmin come by and complete all those forms? I'd like to be able to perform the surgery on him tomorrow"

"Hi Dr. Bang! He did! Oh and he is...oh! Right over there talking with Felix I see!" She giggled pointing to the pair on the couch, Chan raised an eyebrow seeing Felix at his office.

Because the younger didn't let him know he was on his way to visit from the cafe.

"Odd...ok thanks!" Chan thanked Chuu then made his way over to the pair, he saw Felix showing him something like a book talking to Seungmin.

"Kitten? Hey Seungmin" Chan approached them.


"Channie! Hi!" Felix meowed getting up to hug him.

"Aww hey kitty cat, how are you-"

"Dr. Bang! Felix showed me! Can you do it?? Can you really save my eye??" Seungmin asked Chan standing up too with a Big smile, Chan was very confused however.

"Um, pardon? What-"

"Oh! This Channie! Look! I was looking in your case studies last night and found your notes on eye tumor! See!" Felix grabbed the booklet showing Chan, when he did... the older felt the air come out of him.

"W-what?? I-"

"Yes Dr. Bang! Felix said there is this 4 laser type procedure! It was last done 10 years ago according to your notes and research?? Can you please perform it on me?? To save my eye??" Seungmin begged with happiness, Chan took the booklet from Felix looking at the page he remembers about the information...

He sighed...with his demeanor changing as well...
Not looking too happy.

He gave Felix an upset look then tried to stay calm for Seungmin.

"Seungmin, please sit here for a moment. I need to speak with Felix" Chan said to him.

"Oh sure!" He smiled sitting down, Felix was confused though by what Chan meant.

"Channie? What-"

"Felix come with me right now" Chan said in an angry tone grabbing his hand, he pulled Felix towards his office as the boy followed.

As soon as they got there Chan pulled them inside slamming his door shut, Felix flinched a bit from the sound feeling the older let his hand go.

"Channie...? Why are we here-"

"Bang Felix why in the world would you show my patient my case studies without my permission?" Chan demanded angrily backing the boy up against his desk, Felix didn't know why Chan looked upset.

Neko 7.0: Caramel CutiesWhere stories live. Discover now