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Chan went home to eat, wash up, do some work and then get sleep.

"Today was a long day..." he sighed with tiredness getting in bed, he looked at the time seeing it was close to midnight.

"Damn..." he mumbled getting under the sheets, he checked his phone once more to see Felix's text. The younger told him good night and to get some sleep.

"I hope he'll be ok..." Chan turned out the light getting under the covers to sleep.


He kept tossing and turning even though he was exhausted, he missed the boy in his arms at night...

"I can't sleep..." he huffed a bit looking at the time to show 1 am.

I need him with me

So Chan decided to go back to the hospital, he slipped on his track pants and shirt with his coat going back to it.

"Kitten?? Baby, I'm back-"

He ran down the hall into Felix's room opening the door, there he saw the lights out with the TV.

Chan smiled quietly stepping in and closing the door, he turned on the light in the corner to see where he was going. He took off his coat and shoes, inching closer to Felix's bed.

"I missed you kitten..." he whispered climbing in the bed cuddling next to him, Felix meowed in his sleep hugging his plushies. Chan smiled getting under the blanket with him slipping his arm around Felix's waist holding him close.

"My only kitty..." Chan rested his forehead against Felix's closing his eyes, and finally within seconds he fell asleep feeling at ease with Felix in his hold.

Both were passed out asleep through the night, the nurse came to check on Felix around 4 am.

"Felix kitty? Are you-
Oh...how cute..." she smiled peeking in to see Chan asleep with Felix, the nurse stepped back out closing the door.

Both slept peacefully after a long day, it wasn't until 9 am the next day Felix woke up.


"Hm...?" He fluttered his eyes open, he focused then now seeing Chan an inch away.


"Channie...? What are you doing here?" Felix mumbled cupping his cheek, Chan felt the boy kiss his lips Waking up too.



"Mmm...hey baby, how's my kitty patient feeling...?" Chan smiled kissing him back stroking his waist.

"I feel better Channie, but what are you doing here...? I thought you went home last night? Didn't you?" Felix meowed looking to see Chan had on different clothes.

Chan kissed his lips again with a smile.

"I did...but I missed my soulmate, so I wanted to be with him" Chan hummed.


"Well, it's morning now..." Chan sat up stretching his neck and arms.


"You want breakfast? I-"

"Pancakes please!" Felix meowed loudly, Chan laughed ruffling his hair.

"Ok my pancake kitty~"

Chan went to get them both breakfast from the hospital cafeteria, they ate together back in bed and then waited for Jihyo to check Felix to be discharged.

"Channie can we go home now...?"

"Not yet kitten, just a bit longer-"

"Hello to Felix kitty! How is my patient? Hi Chan!" Jihyo arrived.

"Dr. Park hi!"

"Hey Dr. Park" Chan smiled seeing her approach Felix.

"Hi! I came to see your condition Felix, let me check your tail, then you can go home!"


"Perfect! Chan was he ok until now ?" She asked lifting the blanket to see his tail.

"I think so? I told him not to move it around. Kitten were you good and listened?" Chan asked petting his head.

"Yes Channie! I was a good kitty Dr.Park! My tail doesn't hurt as much anymore!" He meowed looking over his shoulder to her.

"That's good! Ok, well I just need to check if the procedure worked...if it didn't then we'll know when you move your tail of it hurts a lot still. Ok sweetie, can you do that?" Jihyo asked her.


"Good kitty! Chan can you tell something that gets him excited to move it around, as much as you can please!" She asked him, Chan nodded with a smile but also nervous about the success rate for the procedure not working...

"Sure! Ok...kitten look at me please~" Chan reached to hold Felix's hands, the younger purred directing his attention to him.


"Good kitty, now. When we go home does kitten want ice cream?~"


Jihyo smiled to see him moved his tail a bit.

"Yes Channie!"

"Ok kitten will get extra scoops! And hot chocolate too, hm?" Chan teased kissing his nose, Felix felt more excitement starting to twirl it some.


"Good work Chan! Now tell him something that would get him really excited!" Jihyo asked, Chan blushed but nodded.

"And when kitten is better...we'll go on another getaway to the islands. How does that sound?"


"Yes Channie! Pretty please!!" Felix meowed loudly, Jihyo giggled seeing Felix's tail twirling all over as she gently touched it.

"Felix kitty does anything hurt when I touch your tail??" She asked.

"No Dr. Park! It feels great!" He meowed looking to her, she clapped her hands looking at Chan.

"Perfect! Chan this means the procedure is a success! Felix is part of that 3% now~" she cheered, Chan smiled with excitement too.

"Oh my god really??!!"

"Yes! Now there may be sensitivity at the injections sites, but his nerves are functioning even Better! Just be careful like I said for the 2-3 weeks and update me with any changes. Ok? Oh and make sure he sleeps on his side or stomach for the first 2 weeks as well!"

"Thank you! Thank you so much Dr. Park! And I will! Thank you...you don't know how happy I am...you saved his tail from-"

"Shhh, that's our secret Chan. Ok?" She whispered to him covering Felix's cat ears again, Chan was so excited he forgot he didn't want to mention amputation to Felix or he would panic.

"Oh..ya! You're right! But thank you...there's no other doctor as good for hybrids as you..." Chan thanked her again, she winked at him removing her hands from Felix's cat ears petting his head.

"Well thank you, I love this Felix kitty as if he was my own..." she said lovingly to him, Chan realized what she was referring to...the hybrid she lost a long time ago.


"I love you too Dr. Park! Thank you for fixing my tail!" Felix giggled hugging her.

Chan smiled seeing them hug and Felix purr.

"I'm always happy to help you sweetie! Such a cute kitty!"


Chan was feeling pure bliss about Felix's recovery, so happy it worked.

My kitty and his beautiful tail...

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