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"Pretty deer..." Felix purred as he carefully followed the deer into the forest a bit, he enjoyed smelling many of the plants too.


And while doing so...Chan was freaking out with Felix gone...

"Felix??! Kitten?!" Chan went up the road a bit not seeing any sign of Felix, a few cars went by making him anxious.

Oh god please don't let any cars hit him...

He went back to his car seeing Felix's phone there and his small back pack, he took out his own phone to pull up the hybrid's tracker.

"Come on...where-
There!!" Chan had found Felix's location, he was about a mile into the forest.

Shit...of course my hybrid gets distracted here...

Chan put the top back on his car and grabbed the kept locking it to go venture in between the trees looking for Felix.

"Kitten?? Kitten where are you?!" Chan called rushing to find the boy, he got no response except for birds chirping.

"Baby!! Meow for me! Where did you go??" Chan called some more seeing he was getting closer to the hybrid with the tracker, he went around a large tree looking still.

"Kitten! Princess kitty where-"

And there he found the boy, he was playing with the family of deer and feeding them grass.

"Cute deer!" He meowed, Chan let out a sigh of relief...even though he was upset the boy wandered off...he couldn't help but coo at how cute the younger looked playing with deer.

That's actually adorable

Chan secretly took a photo then quietly approached the younger, the deer heard Chan and they all ran off.

"Huh...? Come back deer-"



"Channie?" Felix turned to see Chan there, the older put his phone away quickly pulling him into a hug.

"Oh my god kitten...I thought something happened to you..." Chan said with sadness, Felix hugged him back purring.

"Channie? I-"

"Bang Felix I told you to stay in the car, you know I don't like it when you wander off without telling me. I've been worried as hell" Chan cupped his cheeks scolding him some, Felix gave a sad meow realizing Chan was right.

"Oh...I'm sorry Channie...I-I didn't mean to...I saw the pretty deer I wanted to play with..." Felix Meowed sadly, Chan closed his eyes taking a deep breath to calm himself.

"Sweetie I know you get distracted...but you literally left to go into a forest you don't know! Thank god I have your tracker or I wouldn't have found you..." Chan told him sternly, Felix nodded looking down.

"I-I'm sorry Channie...I really am..." he mumbled, Chan kissed his forehead pulling him into a hug again.

"Ok...ok well...at least I found you. We need to get back to the car, the service person will be here in about 15 minutes to replace the tire. Come on..." Chan took Felix's hand to leave...but...


He stopped looking all around which Felix noticed.

"Channie...what's wrong...?" Felix meowed, the older face palmed looking around again.

"...I didn't pay attention to how I found you here...and now I can't remember how to get back...fuck..." Chan sighed, Felix hugged his arm looking around.

Neko 7.0: Caramel CutiesWhere stories live. Discover now