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Felix couldn't help it, but with his heightened hearing he could hear Chan touch himself in the shower. Even if the older was trying to be quiet...Felix could still hear some...

Channie really...is having a hard time without naughty stuff and me...

Felix sighed to himself as he sat on the bed, looking at the gifts and the lace Chan spread out. He smiled a bit at them, liking everything.

"I miss Channie touching me too...but I don't know what's wrong...my heat should be here too..." Felix went to go grab his phone and check it.

"Hmm...it says it should have started since yesterday? I don't know...maybe I've having them lesser now...?" He meowed, while doing so he went to check his emails.

"Oh...they're having another ice cream party in the park tomorrow? Maybe I can ask Channie...?" Felix purred some, moments later Chan came out in his towel.


"Channie?" Felix looked over to see him, even in his hot steamy body from the shower...Felix's body felt no arousal...and Chan could tell because Felix usually would give that low purr he very much knew.

"Hey kitten...I'm done...go on ahead..." Chan gave a small smile going to his closet, Felix watched him leave then got up to do so.

I hope Channie still isn't too upset...

Felix went to shower while Chan slipped on his clothes, when he finished he went to clean up everything from the kitchen.

After about 20 minutes Felix was done and came looking for him.

"Channie...?" He meowed peeking out their bedroom, he didn't see Chan but sniffed for his scent. Looking around he saw the glass door to the terrace cracked, now seeing the older outside near the fire pit.


He padded coded to the door, sliding it open as he padded out with his slippers and socks.

"Channie...?"  There Felix saw the older drinking a glass of wine and looking out to the city with the fire pit, he was playing music on his phone.

"Oh...hey princess, I'm just chilling out here...you want to join me?" Chan smiled reaching his hand out, Felix padded closer going to the couch bench.

"Is that...ok?" Felix asked nervously, Chan nodded taking another breath.

"Yes kitten, I um...took care of myself. So your wolf is tamed right now, I'm ok. Come on" Chan teased reached for his hand, Felix smiled shyly going to curl up in his lap.


"Good kitty~"


Chan kissed his head stroking Felix's legs over his thighs, the boy hugged him snuggling into his chest.

"The city looks pretty Channie..." he giggled starting to purr, Chan gently caressed his thighs as he sipped his wine.

"Yes it is baby..." Chan hummed kissing his cat ears, The pair enjoyed the city lights and looking out quietly. Then Felix spoke up after some time.


"Hm?" Chan finished the rest of his wine setting the glass on the side table.

"I'm sorry...I ruined date night tonight..." Felix meowed sadly.

"Kitten no, you didn't ruin anything...it's just, something neither of us expected...it's fine. I promise ...and I texted Jihyo, she said she will look up some things" Chan reassured him, Felix nodded into his chest reaching to hold his hands.


"Mmhm..." Chan hummed again rubbing his back, Felix was thinking then remembered about tomorrow.

"Oh Channie since tomorrow is Saturday, they're having another ice cream party in the park...can we go please?" Felix looked up to him with big kitty eyes, Chan smiled kissing his forehead.

"Sure kitten, anything you want. My cute ice cream kitty~"

"Yay! Thank you Channie! It was so much fun last time! I hope they have new flavors!" Felix sat up with excitement, Chan laughed petting his had.

"Oh ya? And you had quite a lot last time. Even when I was passed out" Chan teased pulling the boy to straddled his waist.


"Uh huh! They were all so yummy!"

"Really? And what flavors did kitten have?~" Chan kissed his lips and nose.


"I had so many Channie! I had vanilla! Strawberry! Matcha! Cotton candy! Dark ch-"

Felix was listing them out then stopped when he realized something, Chan laughed rubbing his waist.

"Hm? Was it Dark chocolate?~" Chan winked, Felix looked down as his smile faded. Then back at Chan...

"No Channie...it was Dark cherry..." he mumbled.

"Dark cherry? Well that's a new one, I-"
Chan was giggling but then realized it just like Felix did.

The cherry.

As in the same cherry fruit that would suppress his heats and decrease all of his libido.

The older's smile faded as he thought some more.

"Wait, Cherry?? Kitten you and-"

"I just noticed now Channie...I had cherry ice cream when Channie was asleep that day..." Felix meowed nervously, Chan started to put the pieces together but had to know more.

"Kitten, how much of that cherry ice cream did you have??"

Felix looked around then back at him.

"3 big scoops..."

"Then..." and Chan finally figured it out.

The reason for Felix not wanting sex and low libido, the boy forgot that same day. Between the cherry juice and ice cream, he had very large amounts of it.

"That's why...you don't want naughty time. There's nothing wrong with your genetics or heat-
And that's why you have no heat symptoms kitten! It's because you had so much cherry on Monday!" Chan explained to the boy, Felix nodded and understood.

"Oh...so that's why? Oh...I'm sorry Channie! I got excited with the flavors I forgot the cherry ice cream would do that...." Felix meowed sadly, Chan smiled with some relief.

He's glad it wasn't him nor did it mean Felix was sick with anything.

"No baby it's ok...you got distracted, I mean I'm glad it's cherry and not passion fruit or Ceylon. You're allergic to those...but still, it makes so much sense now. Which means in another week or so, you will want naughty time again" Chan kissed his nose, Felix purred with a smile.

"Oh...ok Channie! Yes Channie I remember my allergies! But the cherry I like it so much...it was yummy..." he giggled.

"It May be yummy for my kitty but kitten knows the side effects...it's rough to deal with like right but I'll manage, at least we know what-"

"Does that means we can still go to the party tomorrow Channie? I want cotton candy ice creams!" Felix meowed loudly in his face, Chan laughed closing his eyes.

And always a distracted kitty he is...
Still my very special kitten though~

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