Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Botle's Point Of View

After having the last bit of my delicious food, I walk up to the kitchen to wash the dishes with the help my little sister, Beth.

"So, tell me, how does it feel to back home?" I ask her.

"Uhm firstly, its hot. Secondly it actually feels good to be back, even though I don't remember much when we lived here," she replies.

"Don't worry, we'll make a lot of memories here like how we did in London," I say.

"I really hope so," she mumbles to herself but I heard what she said so I hum. "So, you tell me. What is going on between you and that guy? Uhm, what's his name again? Dan! Yes, what's going between the both of yall?" she asks suspiciously.

"Uhm, nothing is going on, hehe. Why do you think that there's something going on between him and I?" I ask her while fiddling with my fingers, blushing. Daniel Walker, a guy with blue eyes, brunette hair and a really great physique. I mean, he looks drop-dead gorgeous, a flipping Greek God I tell you.

"Yeah, I definitely believe what you just said to me right now," she says sarcastically and she folds her arms as she just finished wiping and packing the dishes.

"I'm not lying, I'm being honest with you! " I exclaim at her.

"Is that so? Then why are blushing, huh?" she raises her eyebrows at me.

"I-I'm not blushing?" I stuttered out. Flip, I hate it when I do that. It's a way that people know when I'm lying.

"Oh really now?" she pressures me to say something. And believe me, it's working.

"Okay, okay! I like him. There, I said it. Happy?" aaand the cat spilled the milk.

"Oh my word, I knew it!" she squeals jumping up and down like a disfunctioned frog. She's too smart for a 10 year old.

"Shut up, I do not want mom hearing us," I shush her.

"Oh whatever. You know she'd be so happy to hear that her first daughter actually likes a guy. This is just so amazing!" she sighs dreamily.

If you're wondering then yes, my family thinks I'm gay. I've told them countless times that I am not gay but they just won't listen to me. You know, not all females like make - up and all those weird stuff. I just a simple pair of basketball shorts or sweats.

"Remind me again, how is it my fault that you all think I'm gay?" I ask her.

"Yeah and remind me again, how is it our fault that you act like one?" she fires back and for the first time, I do not have a come back.

"Wait a minute, did I just throw shade and you didn't come back? Oh my word this is a miracle!" she claps her hands, happily.

"Oh, shut up. It's not like you won an award or something," I grumble out.

"Oh trust me, it is," she says while nodding her head like a mad woman.

"You. Are. Crazy," I say, walking out of the kitchen to the direction of my room.

"You love me anyway," she says following me up the stairs.

"Unfortunately," I say while rolling my eyes, yet I couldn't stop the small smile on my lips.

"Uhm big sis, when at we opening schools?" she asks as we enter my room.

"We're opening in 2 weeks time," I reply to her question.

"Okay wow, I need to get myself friends," she says, mostly to herself.

"That, you do," I say to her while trying to contain my laughter. After I've calmed down, I say: "Okay okay, leave my room now, I need to go to bed."

"You know you could just say that you want to talk to Dan on the phone before going to sleep eh? It's not that hard," she says, casually.

"No, I'm not," I say to her while blushing like a crazy tomato.

"Yeah, whatever!" she exclaims, running out my room making sure she closes the door on her way out. Dammit, I hate it when people leave my door open.

"Kids," I say to myself before texting Dan, asking if I could FaceTime him. He reads the message but doesn't respond. Okay then. I was about to try and fall asleep but before I could even close my eyes, my phone rings. Checking the caller ID, I see that's its a call from Daniel himself.

Answering, I say...

"Hello." My room lights were off by the time and so were his.

"Hey baby-girl. How are you?" he asks. Normally I would have been blushing at the nickname he got for me but now, I was kinda bummed out when he didn't respond to my text. Dramatic, I know.

"I'm fine," I reply.

"Baby, are you sure?" he asks, sounding concerned.

"Yeah. Actually no, why didn't you respond to my text. I thought that maybe since I left you've been angry at me and didn't want to talk to me anymore," I ramble on.

"I'm so sorry you felt that way. Okay, from now on, I'll reply to all of your texts, okay?" he reassures.

"Okay," I reply satisfied.

"Good, so tell me, how was your flight? How has it been in South Africa so far? Tell me everything," he says. Daniel always knows how to make me feel better with his very enthusiastic personality.

"My flight was good. South Africa is great and well yeah, there's nothing much I've done so far yet meaning that there's not much to say," I say to him.

"Oh well, I hope you enjoy yourself," he says.

"Thank you," I reply.

"You know, I really miss you," he says in a hushed voice.

"Oh really?" I reply in the same tone he's using.

"Mmh," he hums.

"Well in that case, I really miss you too," I say to him with a small giggle. "Uhm Dan?" I call out, softly.

"Yes baby," he replies still in a hush tone.

"May you please tell me a bedtime story?" I ask him, shyly.

"Of course, baby," he says after chuckling. "Once upon a time..."

And fell asleep with his sweet voice that had an accent ringing in my ears.

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