Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Josh's Point Of View:

After 20 minutes of driving, I finally pulled up in front of my house. I park the car in the garage and step out. I walked over to the passenger side and opened the door to carry Botle out of the car.

I walked over to the front door, after closing the garage door, and opened it while carrying Botle all thanks to my amazing skills. I close the door after walking inside the house and I head upstairs to my room where Botle can sleep peacefully on my bed. By the looks of it, she still is a heavy sleeper considering the fact that she did not move a muscle until I brought her to my room. I swear yall she can sleep through a flippen earthquake and not move an inch.

Luckily my parents aren't home or else they would have given me an earful asking me why I brought a girl home and not taken her to her house. I honestly have the most dramatic parents.

Anyway, after putting Botle into bed I walked to my bathroom that is attached to my room. I stripped off my clothes and went inside the shower. I turned the knob on and water started flowing down from the shower head.

I stayed like that for a while, thinking about the woman that's in my bed right now. I won't lie, she looks so beautiful. Not that she wasn't beautiful before she left it's just that, she looks different and more mature. She's just wow. The way her body is shaped, I can tell that God took his time creating this precious dime.

I just want to feel her against my skin, feeling every inch of her body, memorizing every nook of her. My hands squeezing that fat ass when she grinds on m— fuck, I need to stop thinking about her like that. But how can I when she's just a few meters away from me.

Feeling like I've had enough, I turn the knob off and walk out of the shower. I take a nearby towel and wrap it around my waist. I stepped out of the bathroom and walked over to my walk-in wardrobe. I took out a pair of boxers and sweats then I put them on.

I walk over to my bed and slowly pull the covers off while getting in so that I may not wake my baby girl up. I put the covers on both of us and pressed my chest against her back as it was facing me. I slowly slid my arm around her stomach and pressed herself further into my chest. With her being so close to me, I nuzzle my face into her neck and I take in her intoxicating scent. She smells so good, like cherry blossom, hmm.

As soon as I did that, she cuddled herself further into my chest and hugged my arm in a comfortable position before falling back to sleep. Cuddling with her felt so good that it didn't even take me long to fall asleep, next to my princess.


Botle's Point Of View:

I wake up with a pounding headache. Oh my word, I regret drinking last night, yho nawe uyaphapha yeses, I thought.

As I was about to get out the bed, I felt something tightening around my chest. Oh Lord, whatever it is I hope that's not a snake or else I will scream so loud, the neighbours shall wake up, I thought. Feeling a bit frightened, I slowly turn around and what I find surely surprised me. No it's not a snake but it's a body. Not just anybody, this is Joshua's body.

How the fuck did I end in bed with Joshua?

Oh my word, I hope we didn't do anything stupid!

Moving my legs around to feel pain in between my thighs but I feel surprisingly fine. Thank God, I thought.

Looking up to Josh's face, he looks so peaceful while sleeping. Unconsciously, I softly bring my hand to his face to cup his cheek and softly rub his face with the pad of my thumb.

What I am looking at right now is Joshua, the guy I fell in love with, not the one that hurt me beyond words. His sharp jawline, defined cheeks, slight stubble, long eyelashes and his oh so heavenly lips.

Just then, reality soon comes crashing down on me like a flippen bus. What am I doing, this is the guy that hurt me, he humiliated me. I can't just forget what he did to me like that. I quickly removed my hand from his face.

With that being my last thought, I pull out from his grasp, remove the covers from my body and get out of bed. Looking around I notice that this is most definitely not my room, it's probably his. I also noticed that I'm still wearing my outfit from yesterday.

I look around for my phone and I see it on hid bedside. I reach out to it, grab it and switch it on. After unlocking it I see that the time reads 3:47am. I see a few notifications but I'll read them later.

I quickly look for my shoes and when I find them, I put them on. I immediately leave his room as soon as I'm done. I hope his parents aren't home, I think as I walk down the stairs. The house still looks the same from 2 years ago. I would occasionally come to his house while we were dating and when his parents invited my parents for dinner since they were close friends. But that stopped when we went to London and they stopped communicating from then.

Walking to the front door, I quietly step out and leave.

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