Chapter 13

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Chapter 13:

Botle's Point Of View:

I haven't seen Josh the whole day. I thought that I was going to see him during Lunch hour but he wasn't around. I had no idea why the heck I was looking for him, but yeah.

It was the end of the last class, which meant that it was after school and I would be meeting with Josh. Yay. Note the sarcasm.

I was walking towards the parking lot, looking for Josh. I knew there was no point in running away or hiding because I knew that he would somehow find me. That's how he was when we were dating. Sigh. I just wished he never hurt me, we probably would have still been together by now but unfortunately for him, I hated him.

As much as I hated him, I was really nervous about what he would say. Why did he want to meet me? Specifically at the parking lot? Was it so that he could embarrass me even further? I hoped I wouldn't regret meeting him there.

As I reached the parking lot, I saw Josh leaning against his motorcycle, using his phone and I approached him.

He looked up from his phone, put it in his pocket when he saw me approaching me and said: "Hello baby girl." A smirk was evident on his face.

"Don't call me that," I said with a scowl on my face.

"Why not huh?" he asked, widening his smirk.

"Just don't," I replied.

"Okay then, I won't call you baby girl. I'll just call you my sweetheart," he said, arrogantly.

"Your sweetheart? Hah, no. I have a name you know?" I responded to him.

"Yeah I know but I prefer to call you my sweetheart," he said putting emphasis on "my sweetheart."

"There's no point in arguing with you. You're so arrogant," I grunted out, rubbing my forehead with the pads of my fingers. This one was giving me a headache.

Before I knew it, I felt hands on my waist. I looked up to see that it was Joshua that has his hands on my waist. My hand automatically landed on his chest.

"Uhm, Josh. What are you d-doing?" I stuttered out.

"Hmm? What am I doing?" he asked me, faking his oblivion.

"Let go of me," I said, ignoring his question and trying to pull myself out of his grasp.

"Baby, come on. I know you want me as much as I want you," he said in a low seductive voice. As much as his voice sounded sexy as hell, he was starting to get under my skin.

"Joshua Rodriguez, let go of me," I said in a stern voice.

"Fiesty, I like it," he said with a small smirk on his face.

"Voetsek! I said let go of me!" I yelled and used every amount of strength in me and I finally pulled out of his grasp. [Piss off]

"Fuck, Botle I'm sor—" I cut him off.

"Why can't you just understand that I hate you? What is there not to understand, huh? I fucking hate you!" I exclaimed at him.

He stepped forward, placed his hands back on my waist again and said: "You don't hate me."

"I do hate you. Who wouldn't hate someone like you? Huh?" I asked him, with a scowl on my face. I looked at him straight in the eyes.

He moved his face closer to mine, his lips were an inch away from mine. My eyes moved from his eyes to his lips. He licked his lips very slowly. My gosh, the things I would do to those luscious lips of his.

I snapped back to reality when he softly asked: "You're 100% sure you hate me?"

"I-I uhm, huh? W-what?" I managed to whisper out, my focus was still on his pink plump lips. Flip Botle, what the heck is wrong with you? You are not supposed to fall for his charms.

He moved his lips to my ear and said: "Baby, you don't hate me. You never did."

I couldn't move because of the close proximity of the both of us. He pulled out and removed his hands from from waist. He smirked at the reaction he got from me. The next thing I knew, he quickly kissed the corner of my lips, got on his bike and drove off.

H-he kissed me? On the lips? And I didn't do anything about it? It actually felt so good. His lips were as soft as I could remember, or maybe even softe— Botle, stop it. You might end up falling for him again and breaking your heart.

Yeah that's true, I should stop thinking like that.


Okay why the heck am I talking to myself?

It's your conscience idiot.

Yep, I'm definitely going crazy

Honk honk!

I turned around and saw John in the car, with my siblings at the back. "Ayo Big B, it's time to go!" my brother shouted, sticking his head out of the window.

Without another word, I walked up to the car, slid into the passenger side and we were heading back home. All I could think of were the events of today. I couldn't even concentrate on how my siblings were talking about their day.

"You okay?" John asked, while my siblings were busy chatting in the back.

"Mmhm, I'm okay," I passed him a small smile and looked out the window. I was glad he didn't ask me any further questions. Before I knew it, we were in our neighbourhood.

That had indeed been an eventful first day of school.

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