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Maya POV

"Expecto Patronum! Expecto Patronum! Expecto Patronum!" I yelled. A bright blue light emerged from the tip of my wand. The dementor slowly retreated. Yes! It works! Sensational!

I pushed George Weasley aside and followed the retreating dementor. No one uttered a word. Maybe they were as mesmerized by the dementor as I was. I followed it to the door of the compartment and saw it fly out into the gloomy sky. A cool breeze hit my face as I leaned out of the halted train. There were tens of thousands of dementors hovering over the entire length of Hogwarts Express. The view sent a shiver down my spine. Wicked!

"Hello, Bagnold" A raspy voice spoke into my ear from behind. I wanted to be left alone and immediately put up my middle finger on display. Hope he gets the cue! I could not take my eyes off the flying dementors.

I heard a huffed laugh. His breath hit the exposed skin on my shoulder and I immediately turned around. My face crashed into his wide chest. The smell of expensive cologne filled my nostrils.

"What the fuck do you want Pucey?" I strained my neck to look up at his devilish face. A few beads of sweat lined his forehead. His dark hair was perfectly styled not a single strand out of place. His sultry gaze fixed on me while his muscular frame blocked my path. He casually twirled his wand between in his fingers.

"How did your little family reunion go? Now I understand why I feel suicidal each time you walk into a room. The resemblance is uncanny." Pucey smirked.

God, I hate him!

"Step away from me Pucey!" I grimaced. He inched closer! Asshole! His face was inches from mine, I could feel his breath on my face. "Or what?" He questioned.

"What is going on in here?" George Weasley interrupted, eying us suspiciously.

"I just dropped in on your girl's family reunion Weasley," Pucey said stepping away from me.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha," George let out a loud laugh. "Good one Pucey. But she is not my girl!" I was not his girl. I reiterated those words in my mind. I had hoped George would finally ask me out this year. What was I thinking?

"Good for you man! All set for Quidditch this season?" Pucey enquired. What a nosey little bugger.

"Wood has scheduled practice at 5 am tomorrow!" George cribbed. The Gryffindor captain never failed to impress me. As I chaser on the Ravenclaw team I always found it challenging to face Gryffindor. Wood's strategies sometimes blew my mind off.

"How is the Ravenclaw team doing?" Pucey turned his attention back to me.

"You are going down Pucey," I said through gritted teeth.

Pucey leaned into me. What is he doing? He bought his lips close to my right ear to avoid being heard and said in his raspy voice, "I would love to Bagnold." It took me a moment to register his words. Aaaaaggghhhh! I hate him. Hate him! Hate him! Hate him!

"See you around Weasley. Always a pleasure talking to you Bagnold." Pucey winked at me and walked down the train like he owned the place.

I watched Pucey disappear into the crowded coach.

"What did he whisper into your ear?" George was not happy. Was he jealous?

"Nothing important." Pucey had already wasted eight precious minutes of mine.

"Then why are you bloody blushing? Jeez, your face resembles a tomato!"

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