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Maya POV

Despite being exhausted I couldn't sleep. My eyes were shut but my mind wouldn't slow down. I was disappointed in myself. In my opinion, infidelity was an unforgivable crime, yet here I was completely naked, in bed with a man who wasn't my boyfriend. I couldn't stop thinking about Adrian. One night ago I had been trying my best to avoid him but it all changed. George was in my arms yet all I could think about was Adrian and how much he loved me. I belonged in the Ravenclaw tower with Adrian. What have I done? What is wrong with me? I am losing my bloody mind? There was nothing I could say or do to justify my actions. I knew it was time for me to face the consequences.

The clock struck seven and I shuffled in bed. It was dark outside and the rest of the Inn was fast asleep, there was pin-drop silence. George's naked body was strewn across mine. His leg wrapped over mine while his arm cocooned my torso. I couldn't get myself to look at his face. I hadn't glanced in his direction the entire night scared that one look and I wouldn't ever get to Adrian. I carefully slid his limbs off me and left the bed. A shiver ran down my spine when the cold air hit my body. I wore the clothes I could find in the dark and darted out of the room. I didn't stop running till I reached the castle.

There he was at the gate waiting for me. I wanted to drop dead.

"Maya, why are you running? Is everything alright?" Adrian asked as I crashed into his outstretched arms. He looked confused and concerned.

"I couldn't wait to see you." I stared at the ground unable to get myself to look into his beautiful grey eyes.

"I missed you too darling. I was on my way to Hogsmeade to pick you up." He smiled and my heart sank. "You look tired. Let's get some breakfast into your system." He kissed the side of my forehead as we walked into the castle.

"Adrian, we need to talk," I whispered.

"Are you going to dump me?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not in a million years. I love you, Adrian." I could cry.

"Then it can wait. Let's eat first. You are on the verge of collapsing." He dragged me to the Slytherin table and loaded my plate with food.

I wasn't hungry. The sight of food just made me want to puke. I unwillingly nibbled on an apple.

Adrian had his arm coiled around my waist as he chatted with Flint and Malfoy perched across the table. I closed my eyes and inhaled the scent of his expensive cologne. He leaned in and kissed my temple before brushed his nose against mine. He coaxed me to take another bite of my apple. He is so caring and sweet! I don't deserve him. I intertwined his fingers in mine and kissed the back of his palm, unsure if I would get the opportunity again.

As I lifted my head after pecking the back of Adrian's palm my eyes met with a tall ginger watching me from across the Slytherin table. A deep frown lined his forehead as his lips quivered. He nodded his head in disapproval, his eyes moist with sorrow. I dropped my gaze to my lap and prayed for George to leave.

"Hey, Weasley." Adrian greeted and my heart began to pound. What if George tells Adrian about last night?

"All you people look ghastly! Cheap liquor I assume." Malfoy sneered.

"I can't stand to be around Gryffindors this early in the morning. What do you want, Weasley?" Flint snapped.

"Maya," he whispered.

My head shot up in horror.

"You dropped your wand." He continued and placed my wand on the table in front of me.

"You misplaced your wand! Is everything alright, Maya? You never go anywhere without it." Adrian brushed his fingers on my cheeks.

"Guess she couldn't wait to get to you." George shrugged before he walked off.

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