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Adrian POV

The air was filled with magic and it made me feel light on my feet. My daring stunt had paid off. Breaking into Bagnold's dorm could not be deemed less than a suicide mission, the girl could toss deadly hexes in her sleep. I was relieved to find her hail and hearty condition prancing around in her dorm. The lack of clothes made the experience that much more enjoyable. She had held my hand with such tenderness, my words would fail to do it justice. In an attempt to test my luck even further I convinced the Slytherins to accompany me to Pulser's. I knew I would find Bagnold there. At half past nine, a large group of Slytherins left the dungeons and headed to Hogsmeade.

The night was dark and eerie, and the walk seemed endless. Images of a drunk Bagnold surrounded by old wearily wizards sent a shiver down my spine. I urged the group to move faster.

The sight of the dimly lit red roof of Pulser's pub was a sight for sore eyes. I couldn't hold back any longer and sprinted towards it. The entrance bell chimed as I barged in. The old-fashioned structure was packed with witches and wizards all straining their vocal cords to be heard over the blaring music.

The Ravenclaws sure had no taste in music or alcohol.

I anxiously searched the bar and the outdoor porch but there was no sign of Bagnold. I made my way through hoards of sweaty witches and wizards deeper into the establishment where I spotted Davies, the Ravenclaw Quidditch captain, flirting with an old hag in a secluded corner.

Bagnold should be close.

There she was, swaying her hips from side to side, with her fingers entangled in her long curly mane and her plump lips slightly parted. Never in a million years would I have expected to find Bagnold on the dance floor. In a state of trance, my legs carried the rest of my body in her direction.

Who ever knew the fat-headed Quidditch crazed geek could even shake a leg? As I got closer I saw her gaze fixed on the rather tall dark haired Hufflepuff dancing with her, he had his palm placed on the curve of her hip.

Oh hell no! Not Diggory!

This specimen named Diggory was capable of charming a lifeless rock. Engulfed in jealousy stood on the dance floor contemplating my next move. "Shove the bastard off the dance floor", a voice in my brain commanded. But something held me back. It was the mesmerizing smile on Maya's face. Her lips were curled upwards, oh so slightly and her cheeks were perfect tone of blush pink. It would be an understatement to say that she was relishing Diggory's soft touch. I couldn't take my eyes off the shy smile on her lips and the bright red shade on the tip of her nose.

Arrggh! I will sell an arm to have her look at me that way, just once...All I could do was stand and watch the girl I fancied dance with the most eligible bachelor in school.

Just then something unexpected happened. Her eyes fell on me and her smile widen! She slowly pushed Diggory's palm off her waist and headed towards me! I scanned my vicinity to make sure there were no Strettons or Weasleys around me who had enticed her to step away from the most eligible bachelor in school. There was no known face in sight.

Is she heading for me? With a thousand-watt smile plastered on her face! This couldn't be right.

"Peeeeuuuuuuuuuuucyyyyyyyyy" she squeaked before ramming her skull right into the top of my rib cage.

Bagnold stayed close, with her head buried in my chest and her body glued to mine. I held my breath fearing she would go away if I inhaled. There was romance in the air today and it had definitely bagged its first victim.

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