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Maya POV

Friday was finally here. I wanted to proofread my assignments before the weekend set in, so I headed to the library at 4:00 am. The corridors were dark and eerie, my footsteps echoed off the cold walls of the castle. A silver hue engulfed the hallway as the full moon emerged from the clouds. Not a soul was in sight, even the noisy portraits were sound asleep. I felt a bead of sweat trickle down my forehead and dissipated in my eyebrows. I wish I was half as brave as the Gryffindors in my year. A loud howl emerged from the forbidden forest which caused me to trip over my own leg.

As soon as I steadied myself, I sped towards the library with my right fist wrapped tightly around my wand and let out a sigh of relief when the large ornate doors of the library appeared.. The sight of the library gave me a false sense of security.

But I was not alone. I nearly jumped out of my skin when a tall shadow was cast on the floor in front of the open library door. I froze.

Maybe it is Hermione. She spends a lot of time at the library.

But it was the shadow of a tall male.

Sirius Black is in the castle!

If I didn't get out of there, I was sure to be collateral damage. I wanted to run in the opposite direction, but my legs wouldn't budge. My curiosity didn't permit me to leave. I needed a glimpse of the ruthless monster who aided the murder of his best friend. The shadow moved. It was moving towards me. I held my breath with my wand outstretched ready to engage in a deadly duel.

"I know you are here Maya. I can see you on the map." George Weasley spoke as he stepped out of the library.

"Hi." I hastily hid my wand in my jeans pocket and wiped the sweat off my forehead. "What are you doing at the library? It's 4.00 am." I asked George regretting having put my wand away.

"The only reason I come to this God-forsaken place is to meet you. I really need to talk to you, Maya." He looked anxious. He constantly ran his palm over the back of his neck and shuffled his feet. It was evident that George Weasley was in distress.

I rushed towards him grabbed his palm and dragged him to the most secluded part of the library.

"Is everything alright George? Are you feeling alright? Do you need some water?"

"I am fine." Came his reply. He said nothing more.

"Is Fred alright?" I felt restless.

"Yes, yes...everything is fine. I... I just couldn't sleep." George's head hung over his shoulders.

"Phew! You scared me. Let's go to my room I will prepare tea and have you snoring within minutes. It's Friday, you can sleep in. I will handle Wood and...."

"IsleptwithKatie..." George mumbled.

"Sorry, I did not get any of it. Let's get you to bed." I held his wrist and turned to leave the library.

"I slept with Katie," George repeated. Like a reflex action, I let go of his wrist and spun around to face him.

"You what?" I refused to believe my ears.

"I slept with Katie," George repeated as he stared at his feet.

I could feel the color drain off my face. "You what? I don't understand..." I searched his face for answers.

George went on to vaguely describe the incident, it was too much for me to comprehend. I stared into his hazel eyes as the boy I loved described his first sexual encounter, with the woman of his dreams. At that moment I realized what it felt like to have all my dreams shatter. There was nothing I could do about it. The hope that George would fall for me someday had vanished.

I wished it had been Sirius Black waiting for me at the library door. I wished I was collateral damage. My insides exploded but my eyes refused to shed a tear. It felt like something in me had died as I stared blankly at George.

"What should I do?" He asked.

I simply blinked.

"Maya, please help me I don't know what to do." George looked confused.

"Do you like her?" I whispered.

Please say no. I prayed.

"Of course, I like her. Else I wouldn't have let last night happen." George shot back.

"Then ask her out," I said the only logical thing that came to mind. I regretted it the very second it left my mouth.

"Do you like her?" He quizzed.

I let out a huffed laugh. "How does it matter? I didn't sleep with her."

"If I date her... and if it goes well... and if I ask her to be my girlfriend someday... Will you be okay with it? You are my best friend Maya and I want to make sure you are comfortable."

I love you, you moron! How is any of this going to work?

"Does Katie make you happy?"

"She makes me very happy Maya." A genuine smile spread across his lovely face.

"Then nothing else matters. She is kind, sweet, and breathtaking... You will make the prettiest babies." I gave him my honest opinion.

"Nothing will affect our friendship, right? We will be fine?" George asked as he tried to read my expression.

"Why wouldn't we be fine? You can't get rid of me even if you want to Weasley." I faked a smile. I saw the anxiousness vanish from his face. His whole body relaxed. He engulfed me in a tight hug, and I hugged him back. Somewhere during our embrace, my emotions exploded, and my eyes were ready to give away my true feelings.

George pulled away from the hug and I immediately brought back my fake smile as I held my breath.

"I am going to ask her out." George bounced on his feet in excitement.

One word from my mouth and my eyes would expose my lie. Thus, I sealed my mouth shut and vigorously nodded my head in approval. He stood at the same position waiting for my response. With the little energy I could muster, I shoved him in the direction of the library door. He looked at me one last time and I gave him a thumbs up. He then smiled and sprinted out of the library.

I couldn't hold it in any longer and like a volcano eruption my emotions took over. My deafening sobs killed the silence in the library. I covered my mouth with my palms, scared that George would hear me. Within seconds my palms were soaked in tears. I knew I lost my very first love.

"You should have told him the truth." Hermione Granger emerged from behind a bookshelf. Of course, the brightest witch of the century had to be in the library at 4.00 am on a Friday. What was I thinking? But I didn't care. I sobbed harder.

Hermione said nothing more, she wrapped her petite arms around my shoulders and rubbed her palms over my back as cried into her bushy hair. I was devastated.

When reality hit, I realized I had spent close to three hours sobbing on Hermione's shoulders. I had a bunch of assignments to complete. I shifted my focus and immersed myself in work, it worked as a much-needed deviation. Breakfast and Lunchtime sailed by, but Hermione had not left my side, we worked in silence on our respective schoolwork. At dinner time I left the library and headed straight to my empty dorm. I crashed into bed and almost instantly fell asleep. 

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