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Maya POV

I stared at my Divination notes. It was Saturday evening, and I was locked up in my room preparing for O.W.L.S. Classes, Quidditch and my hot boyfriend ate into my study time. Thus, I had decided to catch up on schoolwork over the weekend. I left the Slytherin party early last night to get a good night's sleep and woke up early in the morning. After ten hours of studying I decided to take a short break. My mind wandered to the previous night's party.

Adrian had gotten himself drunk to the point he couldn't walk straight. He normally refrained from any kind of public display of affection but last night was different. He kissed me on the dance floor as his friends cheered. It hadn't been a peck or a mild smooch, it was a full-blown kiss with his tongue struck down my throat and his palms lodged in my hair tugging on my roots. He then went around the room, twirling me in his arms, introducing me to everyone who crossed our path - have you met my girlfriend, he asked. As I tucked him in bed, he wouldn't stop gushing about how much he loved me. When I kissed him good night, he enticed me to get into bed with him. As tempted as I was, I knew better than to get in bed with a drunk man who shared a dorm with four other Slytherins.

"I almost forgot what you looked like without that Slytherin leech attached to you." George Weasley sat on my window frame wearing Charlie's old, faded maroon shirt. Why is he in a shirt on Saturday? He does look nice. 

"Hey Georgie," I went back to reading my Divination notes.

"Bloody hell. Why are you flustered? Are you reading smutty stories again?" He walked up to my table and peeked into my notebook. "Divination notes, that's disgusting." He declared.

"I am trying to study, go bug someone else. I have a lot to do."

"Yeah, you should have thought about it while partying with the Slytherins last evening. I am taking you to Hogsmeade with me. We need to buy joke supplies."

"I am not leaving this chair today." I said sternly. "See you tomorrow."

Twenty minutes later I found myself on route to Hogsmeade, being dragged there against my will.

"Where is Fred? Won't he be joining us? Show me the list of supplies you need. We could divide and conquer." I suggested.

"Jeez, what's the hurry? It's Saturday evening! Fred won't be coming. He has better things to do." George shrugged.

"Bet he is just doing Johnson." The memory of Fred and Angelina doing it in the Ravenclaw locker room last year flooded my mind. They kept going at it totally unaffected by my presence.

When I snapped out of the pornographic memory, I found George's arm snaked around my back with his palm resting on my waist. Well, it sure was better than having his heavy arm on my shoulder.

"Why is Pucey going around announcing that you are his girlfriend?" he asked sounding exceptionally calm. He looked straight ahead on the road and made no eye contact with me.

"Because... I am." I braced myself for the impact. I was mentally prepared to counter his complaints.


Oh? That's it?

I surveyed George's expressions, but his face was blank, almost emotionless.

"This calls for a celebration, doesn't it? Your first boyfriend." I didn't know if I was getting mocked or if he was being genuine. His hazel eyes had not left the distant horizon, but he tightened his grip around my waist. We walked in silence till we arrived at The Three Broomsticks. The establishment was packed. The sound of continuous chatter was soothing after our eerily quiet walk to the village.

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