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Maya POV

"If you had to pick between Adrian and me. Who would you pick?" George asked as we rushed to platform nine and three-quarters.

"WHAT? We will miss our bloody train if we don't hurry. I don't have time for your stupid questions." I said panting.

"Tell me, who will it be?" He pulled me in between him and the trolley and we ran into the pillar together.

I was relieved to see the Hogwarts Express parked in front of us. I struggled to steady my breathing.

"Who?" George repeated as Ginny and Mrs. Weasley appeared from within the pillar.

"Adrian." I shrugged checking the huge clock on the platform. We do have a few minutes to spare.

A deep frown formed on George's handsome face. "Why? I would pick you over anybody." He spat. Somebody was in a weird mood today!

"That's exactly why Georgie," I said scanning the platform in search of a certain Slytherin. "You're not going anywhere. We can barely go two weeks without speaking to each other. So, I pick him and you are not going anywhere. I will have both of you." I wriggled my eyebrows at him.

"Pathetic! This is not one of your Ravenclaw riddles!"

Mrs. Weasley interrupted our conversation. "I am going to miss you, dear. This summer I want you to spend more time at the Burrow. No excuses. And I don't want you stressing out about O.W.L.S. You are going to nail them either way, might as well have fun while at it." Mrs. Weasley wrapped me in her arms. I could stay there for ever, her embrace felt so warm and comforting.

Amidst the hug, my eyes fell on Adrian leaning against one of the many doors of the Hogwarts express. He wore the checkered shirt I had gifted him for Christmas and his dark grey eyes were locked on mine. His lips curled upwards into a smirk. I had forgotten how absolutely gorgeous he looked. How did I get so lucky?

"Go," Mrs. Weasley whispered into my ear. "He is waiting for you."

I squeezed her lightly before pulling back. I stepped away from the Weasley clan and headed for the Hogwarts express.

"SERIOUSLY WOMAN! WOULD IT HAVE KILLED YOU TO LAY A FEW KISSES ON HER?" I heard George yell at his mother. I couldn't help but laugh.

"ARE YOU ON CRACK AGAIN? Go kiss her yourself, leave me out of it." Mrs. Weasley snapped.

A loud siren from the train drowned the Weasleys' voices. Adrian wrapped a hand around my waist and lifted me into the train.

"Hey beautiful," he greeted, making me blush. "Gosh, I have missed you." He buried his face in my thick wavy hair. "Let's go. You are sitting with me, you sly little Koi thief. I am not letting you out of my sight." He declared.


I was glad to be back at school! It was just Adrian and me within the four walls of my pretty blue dorm. We wore the same uniform, carried the same books, and the disparity in our financial status was less evident here. Maybe George is right. I will eventually fit in and enjoy his lifestyle.

My life was darn close to perfect. Every evening I came back to a gorgeous Slytherin lounging shirtless in bed. Living with him was easy and joyous. He gave me my space when needed, pleasured me when I felt needy, and indulged me in the best massages when tired. Merlin, I found myself falling more in love with him with each passing day. I want to have his babies! Someday. In the distant future.

George stopped flying into my dorm at odd hours. He did stop by every once in a while, especially when Adrian was in class. But the two seemed to be getting along pretty well. They greeted each other in the corridors and Adrian even tried to set George up with his good friend and Slytherin prefect Liz. George had respectfully declined Liz's advances. Phew!

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